The 8th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!!!!

11 hatched so far for me :jumpy

I've just quickly moved the dry ones to the brooder. 1 Brahma and 4 polish pipped so hoping they get a move on whilst I'm out this morning :fl

I just snuck 10 dry chicks into a cleaned up brooder that has I think 3 Seramas and about 12 bantam EEs that hatched last week. They were fighting for room under the heat plate - they just burrowed their way under the others. The eggs in the bator are still chirping. I had to chip away a little shell and tear the membrane for one, the other pipped egg, I chipped a tiny bit of shell and saw blood, so I stopped and put it back. I dumped some hot water in the bator, and closed it back up. I'm hoping I'll have a few more chicks tomorrow.

Happy Hatching everyone!!! Keep posting photos please!!!
I have 2 that have hatched so far and counted 17 pips. These guys were not supposed to start hatching until Sunday. They are definitely ready to come into the world.
Good morning everyone!
I've got four already hatched, and four more in various stages of the pip and zip. One of my pips has been that way since about 1130a yesterday, so I am keeping an eye on it. Other than that though, the hatch seems to be going smoothly so far.
I have a muscovy egg on day 30 this evening. I just took a peak and its internally pipped. How long until they try for freedom?? Should I stop turning and up the humidity? The other egg hasn't yet. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!?!?!?!?
We had a small group for this first year- out of the 5 original eggs, one was bad and we've hatched two. One is pipping this morning and the last late-bloomer is healthy and moving around so we are hoping for an exact Easter baby

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