The 8th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!!!!

My new humidity gauge/ thermometer is here. Problem is my accurate thermometer is dead and my brother keeps forgetting to bring me a battery, so I have no idea if the thermometer is correct and I can't test it. Also, the meat thermometer that has saved many hatches has disappeared.

On the bright side, the humidity gauge is only 1% off the actual RH in the house. So, there's that.

Ugh on things disappearing when you need them :(
Definitely no other way to test the temp?

I wish. The probe is open on the end for humidity.
I will be joining this year. Two years ago I found out I was pregnant during the Easter Hatch A Long and you were all the firsts too know. A few months later my daughter was stillborn at 21 weeks... Last year I planned to join but then when I started reading everyone's posts I just couldn't handle all the reminders. This year I am far enough a long in my grieving that I can handle it..... I will be setting soon as the eggs hatching in my incubator finisb and I set more eggs and they finish...and it is then finally time to set eggs for the hatch a long
I'm so terribly sorry for your loss. I'm sure we're all glad to know you are doing better and that you will be joining us this year. I hope you don't mind if I say a prayer for you and for your peace. What will you be hatching this year?
Happiness is holding a new born chick!!!!
I love this pic!!! I am hoping to bring some brand new chicks into my Grandpa's assisted living facility this year. I wish I could hatch there but I won't attempt it until I have a 100% foolproof bator.
Welcome all who are joining us!!
I think everybody has been added to the list in post one now... If I've managed to miss you, just holler and I'll add you.

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