The American Cemani Breeders forum

the person is obviously a member on byc and watches this...its just to bad that they are changing the reality of these birds and possibly given birds that are banned to people without them wont let you message the person unless you actually win and buy them....i tried to message the person with no luck and i believe one other person did on here as if your reading this no that in fact you are selling eggs that arent true and populating the cemani stock as not so pure....and then when they the people you are selling stock to grow theres and sell theirs they will be selling not true cemani giving the public accessibility to birds that shouldnt be being passed around....yet alone making money on something that has other genetics in it and calling it pure....and since you got the eggs from cemani farms no that you could have somesort of disease in the birds that you dont know about....thats the reason y they put a ban on the importing of birds from certain peoples kids....and i didnt catch the part of them changing it and withdrawing the pics of the chicks...nice job....very good catch with details...
It just let me open the box to message them...i used the ask a question function.
it just opened the box and another webpage with a prewritten answer for each...but didnt let me say or ask anything...its prolly doing the same for of luck to the people that are bidding on it...i wouldnt be so happy to hatch out feather legged cemanis thats for sure.....right now his one auction for 9 eggs is at 305 bucks...seems like a bunch for not pure cemani....just my thoughts tho...i know each line is different but i have never heard about cemani with feathered leggs...maybe some people with these birds that have been breeding them for a couple years can chime in cause i dont have the experience with them month i will tho...would love to speed up the process however i cant and dont wanna take the chance shipping in cold climate...if i lived down south...that would be a different story
it just opened the box and another webpage with a prewritten answer for each...but didnt let me say or ask anything...its prolly doing the same for of luck to the people that are bidding on it...i wouldnt be so happy to hatch out feather legged cemanis thats for sure.....right now his one auction for 9 eggs is at 305 bucks...seems like a bunch for not pure cemani....just my thoughts tho...i know each line is different but i have never heard about cemani with feathered leggs...maybe some people with these birds that have been breeding them for a couple years can chime in cause i dont have the experience with them month i will tho...would love to speed up the process however i cant and dont wanna take the chance shipping in cold climate...if i lived down south...that would be a different story
You have to hit no.

You click the "select a topic" that says details about the item....then on the bottom where it says "Did we answer your questions?" click no and hit continue..then it gives a message box.
figured i would post this...
awhile back before the forum got closed this was posted....pretty much the same thing that is on the fellow ebay persons add about the sop for the cemani...just a little shortened up a bit...thought i would it was quite interesting to read.......people should do research before buying this bird or any other bird...person would be someone in the facebook group as well as on here...or someone that reads up on both places...i believe it would be a guest....i have been watching and pulling profiles of people on here and nobody like right now there is one
i also find it weird...i have been following their ebay well as other bird auctions....have not bought anything from ebay just curious on what people are selling and how much they are selling you may or may not know i have alot of different kinds of birds....the interesting part is i believe they are bidding against there own account....the reason if you watch they will go up one dollar that would be a normal person bidding with 1 or 2 days left....then someone will bid five or more...making it just very fast so they can get a high price....another reason y i believe this is because it lets you know how many bids...i have watched this persons auctions for three days straight at that is how it goes watch others....and they go up a little at a time....poor people....i feel so bad...its quite obvious what this person is doing but to someone not keeping an eye on it they would have no clue....and its so wrong...thats funny it just did it as i was typing 24 was at 63.36 just went to bid 25 at 73.36....who is gunna bid ten dollars when its a one dollar increment...and with 2 days left...common people...i have been at real auctions buying several hundred thousand dollars worth of stuff for my old job...and someone is not going to bid like that unless.....there is a "silent" bidder....normally being the person that wants to sell there stuff at a higher all i can say.....

Phage they are only 2 1/2 hours from
hi everyone....
I raise ayam cemani and ayam ketawa (laughing chicken),
if there are those who are interested pure cemani and ayam ketawa, I can help send of here (indonesia), either legally or ilegally.
i also find it weird...i have been following their ebay well as other bird auctions....have not bought anything from ebay just curious on what people are selling and how much they are selling you may or may not know i have alot of different kinds of birds....the interesting part is i believe they are bidding against there own account....the reason if you watch they will go up one dollar that would be a normal person bidding with 1 or 2 days left....then someone will bid five or more...making it just very fast so they can get a high price....another reason y i believe this is because it lets you know how many bids...i have watched this persons auctions for three days straight at that is how it goes watch others....and they go up a little at a time....poor people....i feel so bad...its quite obvious what this person is doing but to someone not keeping an eye on it they would have no clue....and its so wrong...thats funny it just did it as i was typing 24 was at 63.36 just went to bid 25 at 73.36....who is gunna bid ten dollars when its a one dollar increment...and with 2 days left...common people...i have been at real auctions buying several hundred thousand dollars worth of stuff for my old job...and someone is not going to bid like that unless.....there is a "silent" bidder....normally being the person that wants to sell there stuff at a higher all i can say.....

Phage they are only 2 1/2 hours from

What could also be happening with the bidding going up so fast is that people may be setting automatic bids to certain amounts and then another person bids and sets their automatic bid amount higher, so eBay just immediately bumps it up to where their bid is higher than the last person's automatic bids. Pretty sure it just counts this as one bid and doesn't count it as a bunch of bids increasing in one dollar increments until the automatic bid outbids the other person's automatic bids. I could be wrong, but I suspect this is what's happening.

Still, I wish there was a way that we could get them to stop selling upure eggs, and it is really suspicious that they removed the feathered leg picture after it was mentioned here...I know that Bobfarm has been reported to eBay multiple times for selling their eggs as pure when they really aren't so there's not much that can be done if they're still managing to get away with it after all this time. I think at this point we're going to have to accept that unscrupulous people are going to try to cash in on these birds while the price is high, and there's nothing we can really do about it. People just need to do research before buying, and anyone who is spending the amount of money that this breed is going for right now really should be doing that. There's no way I'd be spending this amount of money on anything without researching, checking reviews, and just generally making sure everything is on the up and up. I don't understand people who don't.
hi everyone....
I raise ayam cemani and ayam ketawa (laughing chicken),
if there are those who are interested pure cemani and ayam ketawa, I can help send of here (indonesia), either legally or ilegally.

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