The American Paint Silkie

My first paints to hatch I got from hatching eggs and they hatched out all white. Over the next few weeks they started developing spots. One is a beautiful paint roo with tons of spots and the other two are mostly white with one or two spots, but it's a start so I'll just hatch hatch hatch once they are of age and try to get better.
As of today, I have 4 paint chicks and two blacks. I have one more pipping. I don't see movement in the last 4 but I am very pleased with what I have so far !!! I have a few more due to hatch next week !!

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Woke up to 5 paints this morning ! Sadly one of the blacks managed to sqeeze itself under the egg carton (wasn't stuck or anything) and I found it dead. Poor baby. Luckily it wasn't a paint but sad just the same.

Hoping the rest hatch out but I didn't seem any movement at lockdown. They might be dead in shell ?

They weren't actually due until Friday but the others came early and from past experience if they aren't pipping by now I don't hold out much hope. But I am extremely please I got the 6 I have !!!!

This is a new pic of my favorite of my Paints. Seems like she's gotten more and more color- does that happen, or is it in my head? I wish I'd gotten a pic of her other side, she's all marked up. I'm in love! She better never become a he, or I will tear my hair out!

Whew!! Finally made it through all 108 pages of this thread! What a lot of great information! Got my first pair of paints at Crossroads this year, was hatching like crazy 'till the hen went broody! Was going to put her in a broody pen, but it's so cold here in N/W PA that I figured I'd just let her take a break from egg laying for a while and hopefully she'll be starting up here again soon so I can have lots of paint babies for spring. These paints are so addicting! It's so exciting to see them hatch and then time goes by so slowly while they dry so you can tell if they have spots!! I'll have to post some pics of the babies I've been getting... so darn cute!!
Oh, yes pics please. We love love love pictures

Whew!! Finally made it through all 108 pages of this thread! What a lot of great information! Got my first pair of paints at Crossroads this year, was hatching like crazy 'till the hen went broody! Was going to put her in a broody pen, but it's so cold here in N/W PA that I figured I'd just let her take a break from egg laying for a while and hopefully she'll be starting up here again soon so I can have lots of paint babies for spring. These paints are so addicting! It's so exciting to see them hatch and then time goes by so slowly while they dry so you can tell if they have spots!! I'll have to post some pics of the babies I've been getting... so darn cute!!
Oh, yes pics please. We love love love pictures

Ok! You asked for it! These are from the last couple hatches. I only have one paint hen at the moment, so my hatches are very staggered. These chicks were hatched between 12-23-11 and 1-7-12. Not getting huge spots, but I do have one that has black in the foot feathering, and another that has a gorgeous vault. I have a couple older ones that have already moved to the coop. I also discovered yesterday that one of the chicks that hatched out solid white on Dec 7 has developed some spots! I knew they could do that, but so far all of my white ones had remained white. Hoping some more follow suit!

These guys are not as smutty as my camera makes them out to be. There are a couple that have more of yellow under fluff, but so far all the feathers are coming in white (or black). Getting a few with pigment holes, in the toes especially, but they seem to close up pretty fast. The nails don't seem to get darker, but at least the toes darken up.

Here's a shot of the 3 youngest by themselves....


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