The American Paint Silkie

I said that *I* call them "blue merles"
- Like paints, they aren't a recognized variety.
Peachie - Those splash paints are discusting looking, seriousley you should probably just send them to me so you won't have to deal with them.
Shayna, sorry for the late reply... for some reason I am no longer getting notified on posts on this thread. You're babies are beautiful! I can only hope mine will look as nice... you are right, their baby pictures are very similar! I just took some new pics of mine yesterday, they are about a month old now...


I don't have any help to give on that red paint, although I do think it's neat!

I just had to say that the chicks in your avatar look a lot like a couple chicks of mine! I think it's very funny. Here are pictures when they were little:

And here they are now: (maybe a look into the future on what yours will look like

Does the red coloring go all the way down the shafts on yours? Just checked mine the other day and the red is still just on the ends of the feathers.... hoping as it gets older the entire feather will be red. Yours looks about the same age as mine. Mine was hatched 12/7. Pretty sure mine is a cockerel and I'm kinda glad, will make testing faster in the future...

I have a tri color here :) As soon as I can tell EXACTLY what sex this baby is .....I will be looking for another one to buy :) :) :) Don;t be givin those weird ones away :p
Do you breeders have these "Dirty Cremes" now theres a made up name.......I did just notice today this girl has one black feather in her crest :)
Has anyone bred them back to the paints?
Oh your chicks sure are beautiful!
I always love to see how much they change
as they grow. I try to photo document each of my paints as they grow. I hope it will help me better predict what newly hatched chicks will look like when mature.
Shayna, sorry for the late reply... for some reason I am no longer getting notified on posts on this thread. You're babies are beautiful! I can only hope mine will look as nice... you are right, their baby pictures are very similar! I just took some new pics of mine yesterday, they are about a month old now...
Thank you Shayna! I should be taking pics of all mine as they grow too, but I've been hatching so many it's hard to keep up with. I do try to go through the pens once a month or so and make notes on my spreadsheet of any changes, i.e. born white but developing spots, if any pigment holes are closing up, etc. These darn paints are addicting! I finally made myself put up an auction for eggs so my poor incubator can have a break for a while! LOL

Love Love Love you're pics of your new babies! You are quite the photographer! Awesome backdrop! And of course the babies are cute as can be too!!
Oh your chicks sure are beautiful!
I always love to see how much they change
as they grow. I try to photo document each of my paints as they grow. I hope it will help me better predict what newly hatched chicks will look like when mature.
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