The American Paint Silkie

Sorry, can't help you on the color, so far I haven't had that color pop up. I will say, however, it looks like they have good type, so it might be worth breeding them back and see what you get.

Do you breeders have these "Dirty Cremes" now theres a made up name.......I did just notice today this girl has one black feather in her crest :)
Has anyone bred them back to the paints?
and where may we find this auction

Thank you Shayna! I should be taking pics of all mine as they grow too, but I've been hatching so many it's hard to keep up with. I do try to go through the pens once a month or so and make notes on my spreadsheet of any changes, i.e. born white but developing spots, if any pigment holes are closing up, etc. These darn paints are addicting! I finally made myself put up an auction for eggs so my poor incubator can have a break for a while! LOL

Love Love Love you're pics of your new babies! You are quite the photographer! Awesome backdrop! And of course the babies are cute as can be too!!
go to FB and search 'Poultry Bid' but then you have to click join and wait for someone to 'accept' you...pretty easy and I have bought eggs off there already...

I have 19 silkie eggs (started with 24) hatching next week and 5 are paints
... all from Catdance Silkies...can't wait as I have a paint roo from Karen already (3mths)

unfortunately i only have one black girl for him...I have EVERY other color except black
These are from paint breeding? I have what I call champagne paints. Working on trying to figure out the genetics of it, but right now best guess is gold versus silver ground, and probably some gold extending genes. Here is a photo of Chocolate Man (no choc or dun). He is darker his second year, with fewer spots:

And in this next photo, you can see how much darker he is than his son. Last year he was the same colour as his son is now. He does have spots, just not visible in the photo. I have gotten regular paints from him, as well as some that have the champagne ground colouring. I haven't actually done the math, but it seems like about 50/50.

Do you breeders have these "Dirty Cremes" now theres a made up name.......I did just notice today this girl has one black feather in her crest :)
Has anyone bred them back to the paints?
Yes, I have two that were colored like this out of paint eggs......the white chicks,,,,,,, I also have the splash paints that are on pictured page 113,,,and 2 "real paint" roosters hatch
Just trying to decide how to proceed,,,lol
If you are saying you have gotten paint chicks out of chocolate man....nice boy.....maybe I won't be so quick to pet her out.
I wanted a project.
Thank goodness my other choice is a pen of straight clean black to blacks......hahahahaha
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Yes, I have two that were colored like this out of paint eggs......the white chicks,,,,,,, I also have the splash paints that are on pictured page 113,,,and 2 "real paint" roosters hatch
Just trying to decide how to proceed,,,lol
If you are saying you have gotten paint chicks out of chocolate man....nice boy.....maybe I won't be so quick to pet her out.
I wanted a project.
Thank goodness my other choice is a pen of straight clean black to blacks......hahahahaha
Peachie--that pullet is terrible--I'll take her off your hands, so that you don't have to look at her any more
(No seriously, she is stunning!)
@Peachie: It's time to fess up.... You cloned my Dottie, didn't you??


Yes, I have two that were colored like this out of paint eggs......the white chicks,,,,,,, I also have the splash paints that are on pictured page 113,,,and 2 "real paint" roosters hatch
Just trying to decide how to proceed,,,lol
If you are saying you have gotten paint chicks out of chocolate man....nice boy.....maybe I won't be so quick to pet her out.
I wanted a project.
Thank goodness my other choice is a pen of straight clean black to blacks......hahahahaha
My baby Roxanne :)

Do you think I could get away with showing her as a splash???????
Somehow someway I think I will find something to do with her......How about letting her wear a diaper and living in my kitchen......HAHAHAHA
Ir would be such a shame if she got dirty :p
Could you please tell me what is behind Dotties breeding??????????????
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i just set 19 eggs in the bator from jerschex hope i spelt ur name right but thank you very much my mom came runnin in the house today when she saw the notice and said zack get ur shoes on were goin now lol but again jerry thank you very much and they got here so quickly i havent even got stuff within my own country that fast

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