~The Battle of the Empires~ A RP

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Nostros bowed at Moro, then turned and entered the Briefing room. "Nyra!" His eyes widened a bit as he smiled. "Glad to see you came out unscathed."

"Heh." Nyra said nervously. "Were you wounded?"
"Nothing I couldn't handle." His face looked like he had aged. "They took her though... that is wound enough... my people."

Nyra bowed her head and sighed. "We need to find a way into the void somehow. I know their style, they won't severely hurt her, they'll just use her to get what they want from us."

(Sorry if I reply a bit slow, I'm writing a story on Wordpad right now.)
Nyra bowed her head and sighed. "We need to find a way into the void somehow. I know their style, they won't severely hurt her, they'll just use her to get what they want from us."

(Sorry if I reply a bit slow, I'm writing a story on Wordpad right now.)
(ha ha I am working on chapter two also... but I want to play now lol)

"I have something in mind, but I am stuck trying to fix this mess." He waved for the nurse maid to come over. "This is Anora. Our daughter."
(ha ha I am working on chapter two also... but I want to play now lol)

"I have something in mind, but I am stuck trying to fix this mess." He waved for the nurse maid to come over. "This is Anora. Our daughter."

(lol. I'm also trying to work on Rainea since this is my last day being able to edit it. That editing time limit thing is a stupid idea, but oh well.)

Nyra's face lit up when she saw the baby. She didn't know what to say.
"Born a little early. Shandrak should still be carrying her, but she was trapped in a place where time was obscured. This baby could change everything." He looked at her. "I think you and I need to speak alone after I send the others out."
Nostros gave everyone their orders. There was a little argument from the Mobguar, but he accepted his mission. Finally they all departed except for Nyra and of course Anora and the Nurse maid.

He looked at Nyra. "I want to gather the Guardians.. as many can be spared and take the fight to them.... but I am not sure how to handle Anora." He took her and held her. "There is one shadow that will want her destroyed, and another of powers close to the first, that will want her alive.... she could start a fight between the two. There is a prophecy regarding this.... but there is a great price to pay, and the outcome uncertain."
"I am not sure what to do. I want to find Shandrak, I want to fight the Shadow. Yet I cannot leave the people, I cannot leave the baby undefended." He leaned his head back in the chair after sitting down. "I have learned things I wish that I didn't have to know Nyra. I could really use all the other opinions that I can get right now, I scarce trust my own judgment anymore. I have lost a lot of friends recently. Nakiso, Rom, Shandrak, Medrak. Nark is in bad shape. My brother has got too much to deal with now." He sighed.
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