The Big Fat Is This A Rooster? Thread


X2 Sorry.

I'd say roo
All of you make me sad. Seriously, out of the 5 eggs I hatched, 3 have turned out to be roos. Gahhhhh!
Hey everybody, back again.
We ended up returning those roos. The breeder ended up being really great!
So now we have a couple New Hampshires. Which were both apparently laying when we got them and both looked like hens when we picked them up.
Denise has started laying again and we're still waiting on Katherine. Who is starting to look like a Karl to me.
But I might just be paranoid from last time, so I figured I'd ask for an expert opinion!

And next to Denise. Both are tiny compared to the other roosters.

Do you know how old they are? Her face looks like a hen, but she shouldn't have such curly tail feathers. She looks like some of my older hens that are no longer laying (it's not uncommon for older hens to grow sickle feathers and spurs). Also I think they may be red sex links instead of New Hampshire's with those white tails.
Apparently 6-8 months. I did ask if they were sex links after seeing them in person (as I've had isa browns in the past) and was told they were all new hampshires, which is what they were advertised as. Other than the tail there's no behavioural signs, no fighting, crowing or mounting. She's very much the beta chook. Just no eggs from her :/
Both pullets. Both not New Hampshire.

They may be the offspring of hatchery stock New Hampshire which is more accurate to simply call a production red. Hatcheries don't breed to standard and blend breeds to achieve high laying standards. I'm not saying the person selling is misleading only that to breeders serious about the standard and individual breed these are absolutely not New Hampshire.
I'll just wait it out then!
I thought they were sex links, so I'm glad I'm not losing the plot :)

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