The Dorking Breeders thread Fowl Chicken
Have you thought of bringing some eggs or birds down from Canada?
It's really quite easy If you use a land or bridge crossing there is no import permit needed.
Clues, clues, clues. Run them down and bring some down here.
Last edited: Fowl Chicken
Have you thought of bringing some eggs or birds down from Canada?
It's really quite easy If you use a land or bridge crossing there is no import permit needed.
Clues, clues, clues. Run them down and bring some down here.

According to their website, I don't think that first breeder in Canada has Colored Dorkings any longer. You might ask Urch.

I just imported SGDs from Canada. It's not really easy. It involves a lot of testing of the originating flock and an exam, along with health certificate at the border crossing. The fees cost me more than the birds. It is less expensive and time consuming than importing directly into the US from other countries.

The rooster I selected to breed my girls.
Wanted to post a couple pics of one of the Red Dorking cockerels I recently purchased. He's 7 months old. I know his breast could be deeper and longer but he's got some heft to him. Feels meaty. Toes are well placed. Has splash of white in lobe. The other is two months younger but feels heavier. Haven't gotten a way to weight them yet. The second has wrinkled ear lobes that have no white marks in them and his red is a little darker. I'll post a pic of him later. Thoughts? Input? Thanks.
Sorry, didn't get a aerial shot of his width but here's a back view that gives you a feel for his width.

The pics for the other didn't turn out well. Moving too much. Will try again later.
I am subscribing because I am learning a lot here reading the posts by experienced breeders. This is fascinating. I hope nobody minds if I lurk here.

Plus I think the Silver Gray (is it supposed to be Grey or Gray?) Dorkings look like cute little businessmen running around officiously in fancy suits.
I am subscribing because I am learning a lot here reading the posts by experienced breeders. This is fascinating. I hope nobody minds if I lurk here.

Plus I think the Silver Gray (is it supposed to be Grey or Gray?) Dorkings look like cute little businessmen running around officiously in fancy suits.
Welcome Welcome, glad you joined! The more the merrier!
The chicken in the grey flannel suit! That's hysterical! True too! Joseph over at Yellow House Farm is a fount of information about Dorkings. I read him regularly as I have Sussex and they are very closely related to Dorkings. If I could put his Dorking bodes on my Sussex, ..oh sweet ambrosia! I hope by reading here to learn his secrets to enhancing the Dorking profile on a chicken. So far it alludes me, sigh. I can't find it in the Sussex lit. or I don't understand what I am reading, that could be it, smile. Despite the long backs in my Sussex, I still need to fill out their breasts. Have the birds to do it, just can't figure out how to select which hallmarks to further that goal.
Best Success with your Silver Grey's ( I use the "e" and don't know the answer to that question, sorry.).
Best Regards,
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Hi TheBanditQueen
I had to laugh when I read your post about lurking, because I do the same thing! I also had the same question about "gray or grey" and apparently gray is used primarily in the US and grey is used in Great Britain and areas that UK english is used. Grey is used in proper nouns and in Greyhound for the dog breed. I'm going with "grey" as well.


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