The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

speckled, I totally understand. I know my first reaction would be devastation. Sometimes there are no great options. You'd have to consider where you're at with things, where you're going with it, and how to get there. Raising vaccinated chicks is a valid option too.
I LOVE your video. You put it so eloquently about knowing where, when, and how to draw the line with other's drama. Watching you with your birds is so peaceful, even with their drama. I still love Hector. He's turned out to be a pretty good rooster, and he's really good looking.
I LOVE your video. You put it so eloquently about knowing where, when, and how to draw the line with other's drama. Watching you with your birds is so peaceful, even with their drama. I still love Hector. He's turned out to be a pretty good rooster, and he's really good looking.

Thank you, Cheryl. Hector sure did learn his early lessons, didn't he? So smart, that one. He's still full of energy, but now, we understand each other, and he has mellowed into an excellent flock rooster. I just hope he will allow me to give him more girls to watch over in the future.
Had to chime in with this pic... funny chickens. The dog finally got the garter snake that lived under the front porch. Sad that she got it, I tossed it to the chickens to see if they wanted it so it would not go to waste. You would have thought I tossed a cobra in there with them! Wimps!
Had to chime in with this pic... funny chickens. The dog finally got the garter snake that lived under the front porch. Sad that she got it, I tossed it to the chickens to see if they wanted it so it would not go to waste. You would have thought I tossed a cobra in there with them! Wimps!

Jill would have been all over that one! I chased her around and around one day with a snake hanging out of her mouth, LOL. She was not giving it up and in one big SLURP! it was gone.
First, Maretta is laying again. Small, but she's doing it! Good girl. It's bluer than the camera makes it appear, sort of a turquoise/teal blue color, very pretty. Her pure BW Ameraucana blood really shows up in her eggs.
And Brandy is beginning to cluck. The incubator eggs are on day 5. I will just give her more eggs if she begins to sit.

Maretta's egg. Wish it was fertile by Hector. Barred EEs!

I'm so glad you said the things you did about Hector. Yes, it was touch and go from a very early hormonal age with him. I'm so glad you were firm, steady, and patient. He needed that. I was so sure he would turn out to be good. I don't know why, but I knew he would.
Happy Easter, peeps :jumpy

So I haven't seen a rabbit at my house for a few years, and this afternoon II was out by the car waiting for Jimmy and Hop-Hop-Hop a big Bunny went right across behind the house. We got about 4"snow yesterday, and there were his tracks crossing the back yard. So I put out some lettuce leaves out for him, you want to stay on the Easter Bunny's good side!
We ended up taking in 3 chicks tonight lol. A neighbor’s daughter was given them as an Easter gift from a teen boy. :rolleyes: Obviously he didn’t realize they are not good gifts for someone who has no knowledge or supplies to care for them lol. Since we had everything to care for them (except chick feed, which another neighbor luckily had) we volunteered to take them. Not even sure what kind they are, white leghorn or broilers, who knows. Guessing they’re about 2 weeks based on the feathers.

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