The Front Porch Swing

Planted some sedum clippings between the rocks on the storm shelter.. only 1/3 done with those rocks :lol: we bought 5 yards of the stuff Got a broody on my hands. Got her some mutt eggs from a friend. It's Milly's 2 month birthday Pulled the last peaches off the tree, gonna cut them up and cook them with a bit of lemon juice and sugar.. so yummy in the homemade yogurt.
I was wondering how that not so little one was doing. I can't believe that she is two months old. What a cutie.
I just wrapped my large dog kennel with the soft window screening. It is easy to work with and can be done with zip ties. They can't get through it and it doesn't cut my hands and arms when I have to reach in or clean the pen. Pretty inexpensive if you have a hardware store that sells it by the foot.
You paid for rocks Sietske?? I'd give them to you for FREE! I think rocks grow better in Vermont than any other crop! Of course the shipping costs might be prohibitive.

I have to say though that we drove up De Luz road in Fallbrook to the wedding yesterday and there were some SERIOUS rocks up on those hills. Hope none break loose in an earthquake because they could smash a house flat.

I found a picture that is somewhat representative:


Love the picture. It looks almost alien compared to my flat La ground. Hard clay, no big rocks. at all.
Whippin out my Celsius/Fahrenheit calculator.

We had a few early hot days in spring here.... February it was 41C/105F when it should have been around 10-15C/50-59F which would have been the norm in San Diego that time of the year. I just looked up Latitude and Sydney and San Diego are running about the same in our own hemispheres.... San Diego 32.7150° N, 117.1625° Sydney is 33.8600° S, 151.2094° of course our oceans are different so you get more rain fall. Our annual Rainfall is about 10 inches or 25.4 centimeters.

My temporary living arrangements have me in San Diego area close to the coast. My home is sixty miles east in the High desert... Last year we got 3 inches of rain for the whole year.... 3 inches or 7.62 centimeters.

So are you still getting eggs?


I love this kind of info!!
Posting pics because I took them today

My new ducks, well this weekend makes week 2, so not "new"

My Cubalayas

Niiccce looking birds!!!

Day 20 on the rookie broody experiment… and we have babies! I am so in awe! There are at least 6/12 right now! I can not believe it!!

Isn't it just awesome!!!
I just wrapped my large dog kennel with the soft window screening. It is easy to work with and can be done with zip ties. They can't get through it and it doesn't cut my hands and arms when I have to reach in or clean the pen. Pretty inexpensive if you have a hardware store that sells it by the foot.

What a wonderful idea. I have a 4' x 6' small kennel for grow out pen for my babies. Can't put them out until I add that.
I woke up this morning to a text from my neighbor. As soon as I was properly awake, I tugged on some shoes, grabbed a dozen eggs off the kitchen table and took them over.

As it turns out, their daughter just came home from college and she wanted to serve her a farm fresh breakfast! She offered to pay but having good neighbors who don't mind if the occasional bird ends up on their lawn or if there is crowing at 6 in the morning is a real blessing. So I gave her the carton and told her not to worry about it. She'll likely get another carton in a couple weeks, hehe! :)

I love having cool neighbors!
12 pages to catch up on!!! you all have been chatty.

Adorable baby!

Cute chicks, pretty chickens and ducks.

Cool pic, Bruce! Is that an interstate highway?

I brought hot apple pie. No ice cream though.

I went to the neighbors for supper (and company). She had everything for supper, and I hate to show up empty handed, so I made a pie. I love having home canned apple pie filling on the shelf. It makes it so easy and quick for dessert. I was raised to never show up empty handed, though sometimes it happens.

I'm going crazy with the Millers this year! They are everywhere. We have never had this many in our bedroom before. Usually they are mainly in the kitchen, but this year they are everywhere. I killed 13 before crawling into bed. And last night I got hit in the face and one tried to crawl under the covers with me. yuck! Even the neighbors have commented on how crazy they are this year so its not just me.
I woke up this morning to a text from my neighbor. As soon as I was properly awake, I tugged on some shoes, grabbed a dozen eggs off the kitchen table and took them over.

As it turns out, their daughter just came home from college and she wanted to serve her a farm fresh breakfast! She offered to pay but having good neighbors who don't mind if the occasional bird ends up on their lawn or if there is crowing at 6 in the morning is a real blessing. So I gave her the carton and told her not to worry about it. She'll likely get another carton in a couple weeks, hehe!

I love having cool neighbors!

Yes, the right neighbors make life easier. That is the biggest thing I am going to miss when I move away from here - we have great neighbors!

Kinda sounds like we have a couple of good neighbors in WI. One was going to lend DH a tractor for mowing down the field so he could start a garden area. That pretty nice for someone you have only known for a month or two and have only talked to out at the street.

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