The Front Porch Swing

Day 20 on the rookie broody experiment… and we have babies! I am so in awe! There are at least 6/12 right now! I can not believe it!!

Soooooooo cute
@perchie.girl hi there deb! It's starting to get cold here about 10-15 degrees Celsius during the day we're 3 weeks into winter here in Sydney
our hens are all cuddled up together in their coop keeping warm!
That's really pretty.
You paid for rocks Sietske?? I'd give them to you for FREE! I think rocks grow better in Vermont than any other crop! Of course the shipping costs might be prohibitive.

I have to say though that we drove up De Luz road in Fallbrook to the wedding yesterday and there were some SERIOUS rocks up on those hills. Hope none break loose in an earthquake because they could smash a house flat.

I found a picture that is somewhat representative:


Houston is the opposite. Flat
@perchie.girl hi there deb! It's starting to get cold here about 10-15 degrees Celsius during the day we're 3 weeks into winter here in Sydney
our hens are all cuddled up together in their coop keeping warm!

Whippin out my Celsius/Fahrenheit calculator.

We had a few early hot days in spring here.... February it was 41C/105F when it should have been around 10-15C/50-59F which would have been the norm in San Diego that time of the year. I just looked up Latitude and Sydney and San Diego are running about the same in our own hemispheres.... San Diego 32.7150° N, 117.1625° Sydney is 33.8600° S, 151.2094° of course our oceans are different so you get more rain fall. Our annual Rainfall is about 10 inches or 25.4 centimeters.

My temporary living arrangements have me in San Diego area close to the coast. My home is sixty miles east in the High desert... Last year we got 3 inches of rain for the whole year.... 3 inches or 7.62 centimeters.

So are you still getting eggs?

Please, no threats! We don't want to loose you too!!

Yep, Flock Raiser by Purina is the one!
I think just about every company makes multi flock or flock raiser, check your protein %ages, they vary from 20 - 28%. With the higher %, i mix in some scratch to bring it down so it's higher than layer, but obviously as high as feeding it straight.

Posting pics because I took them today

My Cubalayas

What color eggs do they lay? Beautiful rooster. The black ones are Cubalayas? Pea comb? They look almost identical to the BSLs I hatched out this spring: EE x PBR. They carry themselves similar to my Rose Comb Brown Leghorns.
Beautiful day in Maine. I spent the morning, and part of the afternoon working around the yard. Got the deer fencing fixed so it doesn't slide down the poles, and the chickens can't get under it. It's so light colored that they stare at it and never bother to look up to see where it ends, so they don't even think about trying to fly over it, and now it's well secured at the bottom so they can't crawl under it any more. They spent the remainder of the afternoon running around the garden looking for a way in. It gave me great pleasure to watch them bouncing off that netting! My 4th planting of lettuce is finally coming up. The first 3 plantings never sprouted. I've never had lettuce fail before this year.
Quote: What color eggs do they lay? Beautiful rooster. The black ones are Cubalayas? Pea comb? They look almost identical to the BSLs I hatched out this spring: EE x PBR. They carry themselves similar to my Rose Comb Brown Leghorns.
I don't understand what is going on. Makes me sad that the tread was locked down for any reason!

The cubs lay a very light eggs, almost white. Yes the black ones are Cubs
Meat birds started crowing 2 days ago. The biggest one decided it was time to have his way with the Alpha hen. She has ruled the roost for way too long. Well, after she shook herself off, she just stood there looking up at him. The look on her face said that she was totally shocked, and didn't know what to do about this sudden turn of events!

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