The Front Porch Swing

Quote: What can I say... Ima Geek....

I woke up this morning to a text from my neighbor. As soon as I was properly awake, I tugged on some shoes, grabbed a dozen eggs off the kitchen table and took them over.

As it turns out, their daughter just came home from college and she wanted to serve her a farm fresh breakfast! She offered to pay but having good neighbors who don't mind if the occasional bird ends up on their lawn or if there is crowing at 6 in the morning is a real blessing. So I gave her the carton and told her not to worry about it. She'll likely get another carton in a couple weeks, hehe!

I love having cool neighbors!
I would LOVE to be able to do that. sigh.....

12 pages to catch up on!!! you all have been chatty.

Adorable baby!

Cute chicks, pretty chickens and ducks.

Cool pic, Bruce! Is that an interstate highway?

I brought hot apple pie. No ice cream though.

I went to the neighbors for supper (and company). She had everything for supper, and I hate to show up empty handed, so I made a pie. I love having home canned apple pie filling on the shelf. It makes it so easy and quick for dessert. I was raised to never show up empty handed, though sometimes it happens.

I'm going crazy with the Millers this year! They are everywhere. We have never had this many in our bedroom before. Usually they are mainly in the kitchen, but this year they are everywhere. I killed 13 before crawling into bed. And last night I got hit in the face and one tried to crawl under the covers with me. yuck! Even the neighbors have commented on how crazy they are this year so its not just me.
I think the climate issues are messin with lots of critters this year. I was sitting on the front porch bench at the feed store chatting with the owner who is a casual friend. She has a bench for visitors. I LOVE being a bug on a wall in places like this.

While I was there an older woman who looked to be in her seventies or eighties came in .... Rita had left to help a customer... This woman came in with White slacks that were clean but stained with something reddish spilled juice or somthing... and a faded teal satin blouse. Her hair had been in a "Doo" yesterday... Her make up was Kind of Yesterdayish as well...

She went up to the Fly control shelves and started looking at those disposable fly traps you fill with bait. You know the kind you toss out when they are full... They are about seven bucks here. she pulled one down looked it over then pulled the whole box down and started digging in it. she sad the box down and went to look at the next container of traps... which was for Wasps. I piped in and told her those were for wasps... she shoved it back on the shelf. This was a woman on a mission. "do you work here" she turned to look at me.

Not what I expected that mind was was all there.... "No mam" I said " Rita will be back in a minute" then I offered.... "Those traps will catch about a pound of flies each" She looked at me and looked at them.... "I can use em" She then went to the animal feed section out of my sight.... Then Rita came back.

I looked at Rita and said "someone has flies I suspect" she grinned and didnt say a word. Pretty soon the Lady came back and I could see Rita smiled knowinly... she siad "Hi Mrs.... How are you doing today" The lady just said "Have you got any goat minerals?" "Yes Mrs..... do you want loose or a block" "Loose"

Rita disappeared and came back with a 25 lb sack. Then Mrs.... said she had counted eight of the traps.... Rita counted them up and confirmed then rang up the transaction.... and Had to INSIST on helping Mrs... out with the bag of minerals.

GAWD I miss working retail. People are sooo interesting. I was about to ask about Mrs.... when the place got busy... At leat three came in for flea stuff and a couple of others came in for horse fly spray.

So the Bugs is out...

Quote: You know thats what I found with the folks up in the desert. We are a mottly crew up there and some of the old timers wont give you the time of day till they realize you are going to stay. We dont have as much "community" up there because its not farming land but there is some.

I Met a Greek fellow wound up chatting with him some time and found out he had a tractor for sale. Oh mann he gave me agood price on it but at the time I didnt have two nickles to rub together.... still dont. He wasnt in a hurry to sell he wound up growing some Seed onions on a little patch of land.... then he built a drying shed in place and dried them on the spot for a good two months.

12 pages to catch up on!!!  you all have been chatty.  ;)

Adorable baby!

Cute chicks, pretty chickens and ducks.

Cool pic, Bruce!  Is that an interstate highway?

I brought hot apple pie.  No ice cream though. 

I went to the neighbors for supper (and company).  She had everything for supper, and I hate to show up empty handed, so I made a pie.  I love having home canned apple pie filling on the shelf.  It makes it so easy and quick for dessert.  I was raised to never show up empty handed, though sometimes it happens.

I'm going crazy with the Millers this year!   They are everywhere.  We have never had this many in our bedroom before.  Usually they are mainly in the kitchen, but this year they are everywhere.  I killed 13 before crawling into bed.  And last night I got hit in the face and one tried to crawl under the covers with me.  yuck!  Even the neighbors have commented on how crazy they are this year so its not just me. 

What's a miller?
We attended the wedding of a dear, sweet friend of mine. She teaches music and is also a missionary . Such a sweet beautiful girl. It was a beautiful wedding. She had musicians playing all her music. There were drums, guitars, a violin, and clarinet. I loved that they had congregational hymns. Be Thou My Vision and Come Thou Fount. It was just simple and beautiful.

Then we visited our best friends that had moved toward the central part of the state. They were only about 10 minutes from the wedding. We swam, talked, laughed, the guys grilled for us and we had watermelon and ice cream.


All our kiddos.


My oldest, Aaron, was very happy about watermelon.


My bestie and I. I'm on the left.

Headed out to check on the chicks and ducks and then Sunday school and church.
Yes, the right neighbors make life easier.  That is the biggest thing I am going to miss when I move away from here - we have great neighbors!

Kinda sounds like we have a couple of good neighbors in WI.  One was going to lend DH a tractor for mowing down the field so he could start a garden area.  That pretty nice for someone you have only known for a month or two and have only talked to out at the street.

We got lucky early on. I think the neighbors kinda figured we were animal people when we brought a pony onto our property about 6 months after we built the place, haha! Lucky us, they didn't mind at all and seemed pretty content to let us do what we wanted. They even like it when Dad is working outside and he turns on his big speakers to play his old Singers and Songwriters CD. They once asked why we hadn't been playing music lately and we admitted it was because of a burn ban that stopped Dad from BBQing. It's nice, for sure.

I would LOVE to be able to do that.  sigh.....

We are worried we won't be able to soon. Our animals were annexed in when we were turned from county to city. If anyone's asks, we just say that they keep reproducing. However, Mom is preparing for the day that a neighbor complains about the guineas or the roosters, even though we've been here about as long as any of our neighbors (12 years) and it has never happened. She's already looking into other properties because she refuses to give up the flock.

To be fair, though, we'd have most of the neighbors on our side if someone were to complain. We always try and share our eggs and we're pretty good about buying from any kids who are fundraising. That goes a long way around here.
Haven't posted much lately. We have been trying to keep the granddaughters busy and entertained. We spent some time today at Roscoe Village. A re-enactment area on the Ohio-Erie canal. We planned on a canal barge ride pulled by Percherons (Thought that would interest you, Deb), but there was a 5K mud run going on so no canal ride. I want to do it another weekend and will try to take pictures to post. They probably won't be as pretty as Katee though. Taking it easy this afternoon for the first time in a long while. Listening to the young guineas find there voices. We went out for lunch so supper will be something light. My dishwasher went out last week, went to Lowe's and got a new one. They were supposed to install it by Thursday of last week and I am still waiting. Talked to a manager on Saturday and she said they would call me Monday with an installation time. It is really messing with my schedule and hard to take the girls anywhere. Between waiting on phone calls and the rain outside activities have been limited. Jayla leaves from Columbus airport next Sunday evening so we are going to try to make the Columbus zoo before her flight leaves. Guess we are going to take them to the Wilds, an African Animal preserve that has open air trams that you ride through the park sometime this week. It is just about 10 miles from our place.
Woke up to a surprise Friday morning. The GP had been barking and the rooster was making a weird noise. It was about 4 AM I grabbed my husband's I phone because I couldn't find a flashlight, grabbed some shoes and went out to the coop. The man door had been left open and when I shined the light in all I saw was a SKUNK! He was happily eating eggs that had been left from the day before. He didn't even care that I was there. I yelled for Doug, but he can sleep through anything. Came back up to the house wondering how I was going to get rid of him. Doug woke up and went back down with me, but I think the little pest saw his opportunity to skeedaddle before I got back with my .22. Probably explains why my egg count has been down. We will set a trap tonight.
I should be out weed whacking, but I am just burned out. We have 14 barn kittens to find homes for this week. I hate listing them on Craig's List. Some people buy them for snake food. The Momma's are going to be making a visit to the vet as soon as they are weaned. NO More kittens. We already feed 10 barn cats and are working our way through spay and neuter. The ones I can catch go to the Vets. The really wild ones have to be trapped and an organization called Neuter Scooter will spay/neuter at a really low cost then mark their ears to show they have been taken care of. People dump cats on our road all of the time. On the brighter side, I never have mice in my feed and haven't seen a tick since we got two adult pairs of guineas. I hear hubby doing my weedwhacking chore so guess I better go see if I can help.

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