The Front Porch Swing

Hey Kiddos How's your day going. A little rainy and not so hot. I know we have raccoons and such around but the man 1 mi down the road has lost 5 goats this month from a (get this) panther. Yes, they have pics and everything. I knew we had bobcats, but panthers. Makes me want to bring all my chickens in the house.
Hey Kiddos How's your day going. A little rainy and not so hot. I know we have raccoons and such around but the man 1 mi down the road has lost 5 goats this month from a (get this) panther. Yes, they have pics and everything. I knew we had bobcats, but panthers. Makes me want to bring all my chickens in the house.

Yep... I have them. Have you ever heard a Woman scream with a dog bark at the end.... Or a Peacock scream with a dog bark at the end... They are pretty common here. And in the mountains here over the past 47 years they have killed two people.

Here the deer weigh about 125 lbs and their prey are Mountain Lion... so hauling a human to a place to eat quietly is something within their capablilites.

Hot wire is a deterrent. So are Big barking dogs because they rely on stealth. Little barking dogs are just dinner.... sigh.

The only predator we dont have are bears.

Millers are moths. They are the adult stage of the army cutworm. About 1 to 1 1/4 inches in length, they are pretty plump for their size. They are really high in protein and fat content; the bluebirds and Purple Martins just go crazy on them and can raise 2 batches of babies in the summer if the millers are numerous enough. My cats love to eat them, and leave little smears on the hardwood floor for me to clean up. They come from the eastern plains and migrate to the cooler, high mountain elevations for the summer. What I do know is that they are a royal pain.
Check out the first 30 seconds of this video to see what I mean: (cut and paste to browser)

My cousin in Wisconsin had a miniature horse and foal attacked by a cougar. At the time, the WI-DNR stated that there were no wild cougars in the state... I wouoldn't wan tto mess with a cougar.
Sleepy in Seattle - got here at 10:00 am and our flight doesn't leave until 8:59 pm. Then a 2 hour flight, followed by a two hour drive home from Billings. DIDJA MISS ME? No way I can catch up, so I'll just slide onto my bucket after I rest up and get filled in in bits and pieces. Had this other pic taken on the 2nd formal night, wearing the famous Blooie Dress!

Great pic and welcome back!
Funny how different regions call them different Cougar, Panther, Mountain Lion.... Pretty much the same critter though I believe there are size differences. And they are pretty widely spread throughout the Americas.

Just last year

I have seen one once up in my area. Crossing the road a ghost during a foggy morning.... in the Early morning.

Now you know why my chickens go on lock down from early evening to late morning.

We were at a graduation party Saturday and they were talking about one of the cousins seeing a panther just a few miles up the road. He heard it scream. That is a sound you don't forget. 3 years ago my husband was up in his treestand about to come down in the dark. He had stayed up there because he heard what he thought were deer moving around below him and didn't want to spook them. When the noise stopped he started down the ladder and right beneath him and a few feet away he heard that scream. He was off the stand and racing past my blind in seconds. On second thought he should not have run because that triggers the predator instinct in cats. He was lucky. Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources denies that we have wild cougars (panthers) in OH. Go figure!
I haven't seen or heard a panther in south Arkansas. Husband says he's seen and heard them out where he grew up. All we hear around here is coyotes. :). We did see a bear coming back from our preachers house a couple of years ago.

Tried my first type of canning today. Plum freezer jam from our tree. Hope it turns out good. I have a loaf of bread in the bread machine to go with BLTs tonight for dinner.

I haven't seen or heard a panther in south Arkansas. Husband says he's seen and heard them out where he grew up. All we hear around here is coyotes. :). We did see a bear coming back from our preachers house a couple of years ago.

Tried my first type of canning today. Plum freezer jam from our tree. Hope it turns out good. I have a loaf of bread in the bread machine to go with BLTs tonight for dinner.


Hey I made bread today too! Although no bread maker. The daycare kids all got to make a loaf to bring home ;) I might do BLTs for dinner too after reading your post! Lol
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Hey I made bread today too! Although no bread maker. The daycare kids all got to make a loaf to bring home ;) I might do BLTs for dinner too after reading your post! Lol

Ha! A few days ago everyone wanted potato salad when I mentioned potato salad. I love food and enjoy cooking. For about the past few years we've tried to live simpler, grow food, preserve it if possibly. We still eat out, just not as often. We also have one with severe food allergies so a lot of stuff has to be made from scratch.

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