The Front Porch Swing


Just wanted to say hi to everyone, I didn't get any eggs today, at least not yet.... :idunno

I'm cleaning my house from top to bottom .... Have a great day ... At least the sun is shinning here!
Howdy! Our Winter Storm warning has expired for my area. It is now 40 degrees and the ice has melted. We are still being cautioned to be careful driving this evening because temps will be dropping again.

TW, I love your eggs!

Bee, what time is dinner?
I will bring the Oatmeal Cake!

Lisa :)

Just wanted to say hi to everyone, I didn't get any eggs today, at least not yet.... :idunno

I'm cleaning my house from top to bottom .... Have a great day ... At least the sun is shinning here!

Hi SMF, I had heard that chickens would be about done laying by 10 in the morning. Balony! Mine lay all day, well til about 3:00-4:00.

I wish a little fairy would come clean my house top to bottom! :)

Just wanted to say hi to everyone, I didn't get any eggs today, at least not yet....

I'm cleaning my house from top to bottom .... Have a great day ... At least the sun is shinning here!

Now THAT'S one way of keeping warm...why didn't I think of that?
Becaaaaauuuuuuuuussseeeee maybe I'm lazy? Yep. That would be it.
Tomorrow we are going to tackle Mom's filing cabinet and try to straighten out all her papers.....NOT something I'm looking forward to but she keeps "losing" things in there, so it simply must be done.

Have a great day cleaning! I love how it feels to walk through a clean room or house....lovely.

Howdy! Our Winter Storm warning has expired for my area. It is now 40 degrees and the ice has melted. We are still being cautioned to be careful driving this evening because temps will be dropping again.

TW, I love your eggs!

Bee, what time is dinner?
I will bring the Oatmeal Cake!

Lisa :)

Dinner is whenever the soup is done...we don't have meal times here, we just eat when we get hungry. The life of a bachelorette!
We eat when we are hungry, do the dishes when we feel like it, go to bed when we feel like it (Mom and I were up chatting at 3 am last night) and do what we want to do...and neither of us have ever had a time like this in our lives, so we are both soaking it up and thanking God over and over and over for this freedom and rest!

Bee, that's too much like sniffing a chicken's butt. hehe They are perdy neat though!

Not if they are clean, TW!
They smell like the hay! Silly girl! Besides...chicken buttsies do not stink, that's just a terrible rumor spread by chicken haters. Take a whiff and see for yourself!

I'm not a great cook and I know it. It's always a pot shoot if my stuff comes out good or not, though there are some things over the years that are consistently good and those are the ones I make the most. One dish wonders like fried potatoes, homemade bread, chicken soup, grits, etc. Potato soup is not one of those that I feel is consistently yummy and I don't make it that often but I made some today and it's about the best I've ever tasted!

There is only one reason that could be because I did something to it I never had before...I added chicken stock/fat cubes I had frozen when I was canning chicken this winter. I barely had to season this soup due to those little fatty ice cubes! Such a creamy, dreamy flavor I've never had before! Why haven't I been doing this for years????? Even my old Ma, who is the queen of potato soup and all things cooked, thought it was the best tater soup she'd ever tasted! That's saying a lot.

Now I have a sure fire way to make my tater soup taste like a gourmet meal...chicken fat/stock. Word to the wise!
Gathered eggs today and the pullet eggs have increased in size now until they are regular, beautiful large eggs. I love the richness of the colors and I love learning new eggs from new hens. It takes time and some I never learn but quite often I learn who lays what egg and can count on their eggs looking the same pretty much all their lives except for some changes when they get old in shape or speckle pattern.

Watched some sad movies tonight and cried like a baby, as usual. I wish I could control that but I never has provided my kids with much amusement over the years.

Anyone else boo hoo over sad movies, books or commercials? I always have and it has been an embarrassment to me many times but I can't seem to control just happens.

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