The Front Porch Swing

Hey Bee! Checking in from NC!

I am still reading about the Gnarly bunch, maybe I will finish it sometime this year! LOL.... I have plans to process 6 extra cockerels tomorrow with a friend. She has 8 as well... It is going to be COLD! But it will be worth it to have peace in my flock again! I think I have a new layer as well!
Hey Bee! Checking in from NC!

I am still reading about the Gnarly bunch, maybe I will finish it sometime this year! LOL.... I have plans to process 6 extra cockerels tomorrow with a friend. She has 8 as well... It is going to be COLD! But it will be worth it to have peace in my flock again! I think I have a new layer as well!

Yay! NC! So very nice to have you here!
Wow..that WILL be cold processing! I don't envy you on that task.....brrrrrrr. It's weird how this cold weather has brought on new layers for people, as it's usually just the opposite.

Let us know how the processing goes? Will you freeze them or can them?
Yay! NC! So very nice to have you here!
Wow..that WILL be cold processing! I don't envy you on that task.....brrrrrrr. It's weird how this cold weather has brought on new layers for people, as it's usually just the opposite.

Let us know how the processing goes? Will you freeze them or can them?

I am planning on just freezing them. They are all pretty small, and 2 are bantams so I don't think it is really worth canning.... With my bunch it won't last long in the freezer anyway! There are 6 of us, and although my kids are little, they eat like teenagers!
I am planning on just freezing them. They are all pretty small, and 2 are bantams so I don't think it is really worth canning.... With my bunch it won't last long in the freezer anyway! There are 6 of us, and although my kids are little, they eat like teenagers!

Wow! Good sized family...I like that. Not many folks going for larger families anymore. I have three boys that are all grown and in their 20s. The eating only gets worse....
I killed a lot of chickens when they were growing up.
Wow! Good sized family...I like that. Not many folks going for larger families anymore. I have three boys that are all grown and in their 20s. The eating only gets worse....
I killed a lot of chickens when they were growing up.

I have 3 girls and a boy.... ages 7, 6, 3, and 20 months..... It is usually 2 dozen eggs, 20+ biscuits, gravy and a lb of sausage or bacon..... and usually very little if any left over!
Good spacing on those kids!
Oh, if mine were that young again....I miss that so very much! I know you've probably heard this before but please..please..savor every little moment. Every grubby hand print on the cabinets and giggly night time ritual because it's gone in a flash and you wake up one day and your house is so quiet you can hear the clocks ticking. I'd give everything I own to have just one more day of when they were little and to hear those voices and laughter, to kiss the little soft cheeks and those little arms around my neck.

People always told me to savor the moments but I was too busy living to understand what they were saying. I savored...I cherished...but now it seems like I didn't do it quite enough. I guess everyone feels that way but somehow I wish I could have just freeze framed it all until I could get my fill of it before it slipped away.

Give those kids an extra helping of food and a hug for me!!!
You are truly blessed!
Good spacing on those kids!
Oh, if mine were that young again....I miss that so very much! I know you've probably heard this before but please..please..savor every little moment. Every grubby hand print on the cabinets and giggly night time ritual because it's gone in a flash and you wake up one day and your house is so quiet you can hear the clocks ticking. I'd give everything I own to have just one more day of when they were little and to hear those voices and laughter, to kiss the little soft cheeks and those little arms around my neck.

People always told me to savor the moments but I was too busy living to understand what they were saying. I savored...I cherished...but now it seems like I didn't do it quite enough. I guess everyone feels that way but somehow I wish I could have just freeze framed it all until I could get my fill of it before it slipped away.

Give those kids an extra helping of food and a hug for me!!!
You are truly blessed!

Thanks Bee! I sure will!


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