The Front Porch Swing

My waterer

It has 3 nipples in the bottom
That does seem like a good deal!
Speaking of your egg business and all of these new pullets, are you still thinking about those german new hampshires? I'm still on the fence but have found two NPIP breeders who ship eggs. Waiting on a spring broody. Maybe I will just get some and see what I get out of it and how well I like them. DH has already informed me that if I hen goes broody, I am to give her some eggs. I can't complain about that! My last hatch under a broody was just barnyard mixes from my own flock. One in particular, out of a white leghorn hen and my SLW roo has captured my interest. She has a funky walnut like comb and is white with a few blackish splotches. She is bigger than the leghorns, but lays a tinted egg almost daily and as big or bigger than everyone else in the flock minus her mom. I might want to add some more of these to my flock as production birds.

Anyhow, hope all goes well!!
Yes, I'm going to get a good rooster for my Blosl pullets and raise Golden Comets to sell. Send me a PM on you breeders. It's gonna take a little while. I can't seem to get much done after buying supplies for the coop, run etc.
I'm thinking your chickens will REALLY enjoy them out in the run!

They are beautiful and if you COULD pull some more cedar, a table with a bookmatched top would be amazing.

Ohhh no, these will go nowhere near the chickens!

We have a lot of cedar on our property. Some smaller stuff that will be thinned out to allow the better looking specimens more room to grow. The big ones stay for now. We have a super big one that we once showed a guy that we bought cedar log bunk beds from. He offered us $500 for it and said he would make table tops out of the trunk. It's worth far more than that living to us. We love our trees here… well maybe not so much the pine. We are working to thin those out and let the hardwood take over.

We just recently found persimmon trees on the property. We have counted about 10 of them in the general area. I had never tried one before yesterday. It was good, almost like a fig to my taste. We also found bamboo in the back corner of the property. It makes an interesting little area for the boys to play in, though quite invasive from what I understand.
We plan to. It does create a neat little place for the boys to explore, but depending on what direction we go with that part of the property, it may be finding it's way out of here. Difficult thing will be keeping it from coming back-- it is at the corner and is now on two other bordering properties. I think it started on our property. The biggest stalks are there, some wider than a soda can! It's hard to know what the original owners of our property had in mind, we have found so many "interesting" things here. We think they may have randomly planted wine grapes in the back semi wooded area. It has all but taken over back there. My boys climb trees and act like Tarzan! We do have some of the wild varieties growing, but there is a difference with these. We also found out they decided the best place for the septic system was in the driveway. Under gravel. Under pavement. We're lucky we didn't re-pave it in when DH's Uncle visited with his tractor-trailer. He parked just inches to the left of it. It was an interesting scavenger hunt to find the lid on that thing when we had a back-up this past summer. Good thing we didn't repave the top of the driveway, or worse, build a garage there!

All that said, we're slowly molding this place into our dream home. We'll get it straightened out… someday!
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I kept driving realtors crazy demanding to see the blueprints of every house we looked at when we were searching for our home, but that's the kind of reason why it's a good idea. I try to minimize all surprises
Hope you don't run into any other nasty hidden gems of planning.
I think we've got them all about worked out. We did have a well issue right before the septic problem, but we got it taken care of the right way and should never need to call on anyone to fix it again. Have you ever see the cartoon King of the Hill? I sometimes compare DH with Hank in that show. He twitches when we have to call someone to work on things. He can do about anything and if he can't he will figure it out. It's funny because people who do not know him real well and only see him outside of his job often think he is a contractor or works outside. In reality he is a college math professor. He's dabbled in a lot of different things though, from raising cattle when he was young to working on a framing crew when he was in Junior High/High School age. He enjoys being Mr. Fix-it.
We plan to. It does create a neat little place for the boys to explore, but depending on what direction we go with that part of the property, it may be finding it's way out of here. Difficult thing will be keeping it from coming back-- it is at the corner and is now on two other bordering properties. I think it started on our property. The biggest stalks are there, some wider than a soda can! It's hard to know what the original owners of our property had in mind, we have found so many "interesting" things here. We think they may have randomly planted wine grapes in the back semi wooded area. It has all but taken over back there. My boys climb trees and act like Tarzan! We do have some of the wild varieties growing, but there is a difference with these. We also found out they decided the best place for the septic system was in the driveway. Under gravel. Under pavement. We're lucky we didn't re-pave it in when DH's Uncle visited with his tractor-trailer. He parked just inches to the left of it. It was an interesting scavenger hunt to find the lid on that thing when we had a back-up this past summer. Good thing we didn't repave the top of the driveway, or worse, build a garage there!

All that said, we're slowly molding this place into our dream home. We'll get it straightened out… someday!
Bamboo is great building material VERY strong... Just make sure you dry it before you use it somewhere because just a chopped off stalk can root from every joint. But I have seen it used quite successfully as fencing material. or woven into a lattuce for growing veggies.

Its a grass and there are several herbacides that will stop its progress... Do some research.


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