The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

This is the sire of the Rose Comb Reds that Jimmy has been showing pictures. I need to get pictures of the rest.

This picture is not the best quality. It was taken with my cell phone. My camera is MIA.

My avatar is one of this guys sons. lol Oh course, I think mine is nicer. Just kidding Jim. One thing I can say is he sure produced some vigorous birds. Had three little groups of babies by the time mine were 10 months old. lol Sure wish I would have had about 10 nice girls to work with. Oh well, young ones are coming on right now. lol
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Jimmy they claim that's some more good eating there, strictly a vegetarian and supposed to be flavorable for the pallet. LOL


Oh My gosh Jeff, I've eaten more of these then I could count when I was a kid. When I was just a very small boy the farmers around used to get my dad to hunt these out of their fields.. Dad and his little dog would take off and come home with a feed bag full of them. The farmers would pay dad 25 cents for each one that he killed. Mom would fix and can them and we ate that during the long hard winters. This was a long time ago. At least 60+ years ago. lol Now you know I'm not a young cockerel. lol
Hey Jeff, forgot to tell you that they might be vegetarians but they love my chicken feed and that is what I used for bait. He won't eat any more though. This one is a goner. Trap is reset now waiting for the next one. I sure hope I don't get any more skunks. ha,ha,ha That was a real experience getting rid of it. Thank God, he didn't spray to bad when we shot him. lol I think it was half asleep.
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Oh My gosh Jeff, I've eaten more of these then I could count when I was a kid. When I was just a very small boy the farmers around used to get my dad to hunt these out of their fields.. Dad and his little dog would take off and come home with a feed bag full of them. The farmers would pay dad 25 cents for each one that he killed. Mom would fix and can them and we ate that during the long hard winters. This was a long time ago. At least 60+ years ago. lol Now you know I'm not a young cockerel. lol

Yeah we don't have any down here or I would know what they tasted like I'm sure. I have ate or tried almost everything.(most good some well we won't even go there LOL) Cajuns will/can cook it if you supply it or can get your hands on it. LOL

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Yeah we don't have any down here or I would know what they tasted like I'm sure. I have ate or tried almost everything.(most good some well we won't even go there LOL) Cajuns will/can cook it if you supply it or can get your hands on it. LOL


These are not really bad. I used to really like them when mom would cook them off a little then roll them in flour and fry it in an old iron skillet. Not a whole lot different then rabbit. Oh, the good old days when folks weren't as picky as we are now.
These are not really bad. I used to really like them when mom would cook them off a little then roll them in flour and fry it in an old iron skillet. Not a whole lot different then rabbit. Oh, the good old days when folks weren't as picky as we are now.

sounds good I like fried rabbit just as you described. I'd like to have one of those to make a Cajun style gravy what you'all call fricassee.


sounds good I like fried rabbit just as you described. I'd like to have one of those to make a Cajun style gravy what you'all call fricassee.



Hey Jeff,
We all call it plain ole gravy. LOL You gotta remember I am an old mountain hick. Gosh, I wouldn't know what I was eating if someone told me we were having fricassee. I hope you have that spelled right because I just spelled it like you did. Gee, no fancies in my house. Meat, beans, taters and home made bread. lol
Got to go, got a few things to do then get supper, feed chickens the off to church. Later buddy.
Yeah we don't have any down here or I would know what they tasted like I'm sure. I have ate or tried almost everything.(most good some well we won't even go there LOL) Cajuns will/can cook it if you supply it or can get your hands on it. LOL

Give yourself time, we have them up here, we got your fireants so we'll share our groundhogs.

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