The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Is anyone breeding Reds anymore? :frow
Here are some bad phone pics of the reds


I am wondering about the intelligence of my Red cuckoos. I just finished them a nice new coop with an 8ft run and they stand in the run in the freezing rain.
My Jubilees took almost 4 weeks to find the roosting area whereas the 2 Barnevelders living with them discovered it the 2nd day. Meanwhile they kept sleeping on the coop/run floor. So I would say they do have some intelligence issues. Maybe they are English vs Dutch. Isn't it supposed to be other way around? Sorry just a joke, hopefully not offending anyone!
My Jubilees took almost 4 weeks to find the roosting area whereas the 2 Barnevelders living with them discovered it the 2nd day. Meanwhile they kept sleeping on the coop/run floor. So I would say they do have some intelligence issues.

Interesting. Mine were roosting in the brooder by 3 weeks. I sure hope they continue to do so when I move them out to the coop!
Hiya peeps, here are my Partridge Orps:


I'm not sure what to do about the smutty color in the tails of some of my upcoming pullets. Will this molt out? Or am I removing them from breeding?


Here's the clearer lacing on one of my hens, but I don't remember her ever having the doesn't mean it wasn't there, could have been and I didn't notice.

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