The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Question for the blue breeders. I have two blue cockerels about 3 months apart in age. Older boy is wonderful except his color is messy. He only has ever had decent lacing on his chest. Even as a little guy his topline was darker and more solid. Younger boy is still a baby but has beautiful lacing. Should I keep both, breed both, and see which gives the best chicks overall? The body, legs, and head on the older boy are gorgeous. Younger boy is not at the age to fill out yet, but besides his lacing, he also has a nice head. They have different sires, and probably different mothers, too. Mr. Messy is from the previous hen's owner (eggs they laid the first week with no roos around), and the baby is from my roo in my avatar. He's a wonderful bird throwing very nice cockerels with similar good looks and behavior. I've gotten wonderful feedback from several buyers. Opinions appreciated.
Question for the blue breeders. I have two blue cockerels about 3 months apart in age. Older boy is wonderful except his color is messy. He only has ever had decent lacing on his chest. Even as a little guy his topline was darker and more solid. Younger boy is still a baby but has beautiful lacing. Should I keep both, breed both, and see which gives the best chicks overall? The body, legs, and head on the older boy are gorgeous. Younger boy is not at the age to fill out yet, but besides his lacing, he also has a nice head. They have different sires, and probably different mothers, too. Mr. Messy is from the previous hen's owner (eggs they laid the first week with no roos around), and the baby is from my roo in my avatar. He's a wonderful bird throwing very nice cockerels with similar good looks and behavior. I've gotten wonderful feedback from several buyers. Opinions appreciated.

Do you have photos?
HI, I am new to this thread and just began with some English Orps this summer. I have a little variety in the breed and am really enjoying their calm and gentle nature. My BB Orps I got from Papa Poultry and am enjoying watching them fill out. I have since gotten rid of the rest of the BB roos for one reason or another,and am down to 2. 1 for breeding and the other cause I feel so bad for him. He has bad toes and his legs are too close together. Has a hard time walking, jumping and climbing the deck stairs (when they come up to visit me during morning coffee). So I kept him to let him have a bit of life til his legs won't carry him anymore. The BB Orps are about 4 months, the chocolate is 4 months in this pic, SL project Orp 4 months, and my GL and Partridge are almost 2 months. I am enjoying looking at all of your pics, so I decided I would post some of mine. I live in Chicago and we are in the process of building a larger coop and run, (almost done, thank goodness) the chickens have cleared out the garden pretty much. and have made quite the mess of everything so please, don't mind the mess. I built a temp coop in the garage until the new coop is finished. Chicken math really grabbed hold of me this year.

SL project to the left and Thor I think, to the right.

Coco my Chocolate


Thor to the left and Crazy legs to the right

My 2 pretty girls, Francesca and Sophia

Gold Lace Male in front


GoldLaced Female developing very slowly. She was born 2 weeks before the Partridge.
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