The Joys of Owning Imported Orpingtons

my wife, they has to remove her appendix 
she is feeling better but still can't do any lifting
so i get to feed & water the flock for now
i guess it will not kill me :)

I hope she recovers quickly! As far as removing organs go, well, appendix is a good one to give up lol :)
my girls are slowing down... but I do have 1 bator hatching and 2 incubating... soo will have chicks soon.

Renie it looks like i ended up with 1 rooster & all the rest hens from your young buffs
i caught the roo doing his "job" with one of the hens the other day
that tells me that i should have eggs in about 3 more weeks from them

life is good
We moved all our Jubilees into one pen with winter coming on to make them easier to handle and we have killed one possum already and have another and a raccoon still on the loose.
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They are "supposed" to be Jubilee English Orpingtons.. but the chicks (from several different sellers) hatched out as black, blue, pure white (feathers growing in are pure white).. so they are my "Heathens".. lol.. cause there is no way they are going to be Jubilees!
Oh no! That's not very nice of whoever sent you those eggs :(

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