The 'Lotsa Poop Chicken Coop' ***Poop Drawer Update***

wow what a nice job I am starting my coop from a small shed......... but none the less having a blast doing it!

I almost wish I'd bought a Tuff Shed and finished it off to my requirements and desires. Almost!
Too bad about the chicks not taking to the coop yet. Have you tried "priming" it? Kind of related to someone telling me a long time ago that you can train a dog in the proper poop location, if you put some their first.
Actually, the coop already has lotsa poop in it. I put 2 solar lights inside hoping that would entice them,,,,kinda make them think it was like the brooder,,,,,but no go. they just don't understand yet. It'll happen. Time cures all.
So here's the prebuilt Coop door. Looks pretty good, eh. Fits just right. I was so proud. See anything wrong? It's important I get this right, 'cause the supervisor is lurking in the background. Little snoop!!!!

Anything? Anything?????


It's coming. Wait for it.

Wait for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Voila! What Ur looking at here is the top of the coop door and the bottom on the roof truss. Pretty sweet huh??? This was when the first Miller Lite got popped!!!!

Another view, 'cause after all,,,,I just couldn't make this stuff up!!!!!.

OK, so now what to do? Well I think it's safe to say that the beautifully designed poop board will not get built today. Hmmm, how many folks do ya know that can constructively use the words 'beautifully' and 'poop' in the same sentence, and everyone is on the edge of their seats to find out what it's all about? That's right,,,I rock!!!!

Meanwhile, back on the farm. I mean,,the door. After careful measuring (Measurement Deficit Syndrome did not apply here) I determined that the jigsaw and circular saw would not work due to the lack of clearance. So the Dremel Multi-Max comes out. The problem with these things are the dysfunctional cuts they make, especially in a 2x4. Oh well.

But remember,,,,,'Putty and paint, makes it what it ain't'.

OH my gawd......
been there done that..... Thanks for the laugh....

Beautiful job I must say. With regard to getting the chickens in the coop The ramp may be too steep for the youngsters. Can you temporarily raise it up by setting it on a bucket. Then I would lock them in the coop itself for a day or two till they know where their food is. Then open the door and let them do their own exploration to find out how to get out. For night time keep a light bulb going in there so they can see inside to go in. Doesn't have to be bright just enough so it doesn't look like a dark place. Again temporary till they get used to the place.

You may need to put a lower roost till the chickens figure out how to get to the upper one.... again temporary.

Oh and I love the sand and your foundation too. I am in Southern California and love my DG but hate to dig in it. though its one redeeming value is it drains very very well.

Thanx Deb. I got 2 solar lights in there right now. Maybe I'll raise that ramp, but that doesn't seem to be the problem. Thay all jump on it, but only go up 3, 4, or 5 steps. They just don't want to go inside at night. I'm pretty sure they'll adjust, they're just slow. I guess they're laid back, slow, lazy, Kaleefornia chickens. Like the rest of us!!!! Well,,,them!!!
If I stopped to take pictures every time I did something like you did with the door and the rafter I'd still be shopping for lumber!

Nonetheless, not enough people show that kind of mishap on the coop pages and seeing how you got around it will help me when I do the same thing, in fact, I'll probably do it twice :)

Also, a sincere thank you for the putty and paint quote and virgin island legumes...both instant classics.

Awesome coop by the way!
Got a question .......what do you think is the best laying pellets brand? I am way away from that mine are only 4 weeks old just doing some research old are yours?...............Kim

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