The Rhodebar thread!

You aren't too far from me... I will have some Underwood HRIR I would part with this summer.
Would still like to see pics though.

I just hatched out 11, SC and RC.

I have been trying to learn more about the Rhodebars. Thank you to all for sharing your wisdom on this breed. I now have 2 groups - one trio and one quint. The quint all hatched together from eggs from one person. I am not sure about the trio. I am debating switching the roos and I would love some opinions on what I have to work with. (The combs on the roos succumbed to frostbite this winter

Group A

Group B
Can you share some current pics and more importantly a pic of what he liked like at hatch?

I was wondering if you had any good ones. I will get some pictures soon. They are still very young (almost nine weeks) and have a lot of growing out to do but I already think they need some work because they are not dark enough. I have been reading as much as I can and most people think rhodebars in general need work and mine seem very light. I don't have a picture when they were little.
The most important thing for the beginning of a breed improvement project with Rhodebars is to make sure you begin with easily autosexed chicks. Then go from there.
I personally think there are a lot more important things than how dark a cockerel is that are higher priority if looking at foundation. Autosexing, correct barring, and type being the highest three priorities in my book. I'd be curious what others think though.

I hatched about 100 HRIR and kept about 40 of those. Some SC but most RC. I will keep those now until mid summer and then sell all but a handful.
With the Rhodebars I have several ages for sale right now... Why? Because my sister the teacher asked to hatch a batch of eggs for school two weeks ago and the Rhodebar were the only fertile eggs to give her. Lol.
So... she will hatch about a dozen for me on Monday. I have two adult pairs and 2 teenage trios also. All easily autosexed thank goodness. I need to only keep 2 cockerels for what I am planning since I have several dozen F1 - so... I have quite an assortment right now and need to cut back.
If I can help you out in any way let me know. I'd love to see some of these go to someone who really wants to work on breed improvement.
I was wondering if you had any good ones. I will get some pictures soon. They are still very young (almost nine weeks) and have a lot of growing out to do but I already think they need some work because they are not dark enough. I have been reading as much as I can and most people think rhodebars in general need work and mine seem very light. I don't have a picture when they were little.

I agree with Sheri. Build the barn and then paint it. Get good autosexing and type and then worry about color. It would be good if you can get some pics for us so we can see if they are actually to light. I worry more about to much black in the cockerels, which you really can't tell at such a young age.


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