The Silver Laced Wyandotte Thread

Just 6 days till our chicks hatch and are shipped. We're so excited!!

I just hope it doesn't snow a whole bunch causing the roads to be closed.

I will be posting pics ASAP.
We're so happy we got this girl. We got her from a couple who was downsizing their flock for the winter. She is 6 months. She's currently in quarantine but today was beautiful so we busted her out and brought her out to the garden way on the other side of the house from the flock. She's laid 5 eggs for us this week. She's definitely not heritage quality but is so sweet and just a love. She was so happy to dust bath in the garden!

Yes, I was speaking of your girl. Sorry.I meant to hit "Quote". Has she laid her first egg yet since the transition?
Yes, I was speaking of your girl. Sorry.I meant to hit "Quote". Has she laid her first egg yet since the transition?
Oh My yes! She is awesome!!! She had been laying before we brought her home (I'm not sure how long). When we brought her home she started laying for us on the second day. And she has been working hard! She must be pretty content in quarantine I guess. First week 5 eggs. 2nd week 6 eggs!
And she is the sweetest thing! When I scoop out the crate everyday, she sits on her perch and gently picks at my hair. LOL. Grooming me I guess. We do take her out to the far side of the yard every once in a while to give her a break from being in the dog crate. She LOVES that. I can't wait until quarantine is over so we can work on transitioning her into the flock. I expect a drop in egg production while that happens but just hope it goes relatively well.

We will be transitioning her into a flock of 4 younger (and smaller birds). They will be 3 months and she will be 7. So I'm hoping that even though they out number her, her size will balance out the odds.
Oh My yes! She is awesome!!! She had been laying before we brought her home (I'm not sure how long). When we brought her home she started laying for us on the second day. And she has been working hard! She must be pretty content in quarantine I guess. First week 5 eggs. 2nd week 6 eggs!
And she is the sweetest thing! When I scoop out the crate everyday, she sits on her perch and gently picks at my hair. LOL. Grooming me I guess. We do take her out to the far side of the yard every once in a while to give her a break from being in the dog crate. She LOVES that. I can't wait until quarantine is over so we can work on transitioning her into the flock. I expect a drop in egg production while that happens but just hope it goes relatively well.

We will be transitioning her into a flock of 4 younger (and smaller birds). They will be 3 months and she will be 7. So I'm hoping that even though they out number her, her size will balance out the odds.
My husband made an extension for our three new baby EE's that hatched on July 26th (will be 13 weeks old this Friday). This way they can be exposed to the others while waiting to transition to that coop. I let everybody free range in the yard during the weekends when I am not working. I have a total of 10 chickens which includes 2 Mille Fleur d'Uccle roosters. 1 Golden Cuckoo Marans, 1 Olde English Bantam, 1 Dutch Bantam, 4 Easter Eggers, 1 Silver Laced Wyandotte.

I love my flock.
Oh My yes! She is awesome!!! She had been laying before we brought her home (I'm not sure how long). When we brought her home she started laying for us on the second day. And she has been working hard! She must be pretty content in quarantine I guess. First week 5 eggs. 2nd week 6 eggs!
And she is the sweetest thing! When I scoop out the crate everyday, she sits on her perch and gently picks at my hair. LOL. Grooming me I guess. We do take her out to the far side of the yard every once in a while to give her a break from being in the dog crate. She LOVES that. I can't wait until quarantine is over so we can work on transitioning her into the flock. I expect a drop in egg production while that happens but just hope it goes relatively well.

We will be transitioning her into a flock of 4 younger (and smaller birds). They will be 3 months and she will be 7. So I'm hoping that even though they out number her, her size will balance out the odds.
Quarantine has it advantages for sure. Getting to know each other is chicken soup for the soul
You are her flock lol Are they younger SLW as well?
Just 6 days till our chicks hatch and are shipped. We're so excited!!

I just hope it doesn't snow a whole bunch causing the roads to be closed.

I will be posting pics ASAP.
How fun :) Definitely in the chickens for the fluff balls. There is nothing that is as precious as new life. Plus, the entertainment is too fun. Everyone needs to laugh from the belly. Where do you live it snows that much this time of year?
Quarantine has it advantages for sure. Getting to know each other is chicken soup for the soul
You are her flock lol Are they younger SLW as well?

No the other 4 are a Barred Rock, a Golden Sex Link, a Black Australorp, and a Black English Orpington. These are my first chickens and I had invisioned a diverse colorful flock but a buff orp died and a slasp orp turned out to be a roo (can't have one). So my flock is going to look like a redhead in a tuxedo!!!
No the other 4 are a Barred Rock, a Golden Sex Link, a Black Australorp, and a Black English Orpington. These are my first chickens and I had invisioned a diverse colorful flock but a buff orp died and a slasp orp turned out to be a roo (can't have one). So my flock is going to look like a redhead in a tuxedo!!!
Yes, and the SLW is the bowtie. lol Welcome to the addiction of chickens. As you have found out it all starts very innocently, then you are on forums, then in constant construction mode to keep up with the mounding amount of chickens that snuck up on you one at a time. LOL Before you know it you will be moving to a place where you can have roosters.
Yes, and the SLW is the bowtie. lol Welcome to the addiction of chickens. As you have found out it all starts very innocently, then you are on forums, then in constant construction mode to keep up with the mounding amount of chickens that snuck up on you one at a time. LOL Before you know it you will be moving to a place where you can have roosters.
Yup. Just finished our little coop (converted an old dog house) and now have a plan in mind for working on a bigger coop over the winter! And 7 years ago when we moved here the move was so much work that I told my husband I would never move again! About 3 weeks after getting the chicks I said "So maybe we could move again if we get a place with room for more chickens!"

Let's see I want a Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, a Gold Laced Wyandotte, a Silver Penciled Plymouth Rock, a Partridge Rock, a Welsummer, an Araucana.....
Yes, and the SLW is the bowtie. lol Welcome to the addiction of chickens. As you have found out it all starts very innocently, then you are on forums, then in constant construction mode to keep up with the mounding amount of chickens that snuck up on you one at a time. LOL Before you know it you will be moving to a place where you can have roosters.

Oh Dang Chickenhill! Just looked at your website. Now I need more!

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