The Silver Laced Wyandotte Thread

I just bought two slw this week. They are supposed to be hens but I don't think they are. How can I tell? They are a week old.

I think it'll take another couple weeks to tell for sure. At 4 weeks I'm still undecided on a couple. On the little cockerels the comb will be larger and more red. The wattles will also show up.
Hi, I'm new to this thread and wonder if you all can tell me whether you think this 10 week old is looking like a rooster? We have this chick and another SLW that are hatchery stock. The tail feathers on this one look distinctly rooster-ish, with a pretty upright carriage that softly curves up and back, though it is hard to see in these pics. The other bird has a flatter back with feathers that appear parallel to the ground. Neither of these birds is trying to crow. I'm only posting pics of the one I think is a boy, because the other won't "cooperate" and stay put for her photo. :)





Your input will be appreciated!

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It has the red comb and wattles like a cockerel BUT it looks more like a pullet to me. Go to my site and look at the last pictures on Silver Laced Page and you can see my 3 pullets and 1 cockerel. They are just 2 days shy of 8 weeks and mine has more comb and wattles then this one. Unless totally mistaken, I'd say pullet for yours. lol Also, my pullets are feathering in quicker then the roo. Are the heritage or hatchery. Mine are the Foley line.
It has the red comb and wattles like a cockerel BUT it looks more like a pullet to me. Go to my site and look at the last pictures on Silver Laced Page and you can see my 3 pullets and 1 cockerel. They are just 2 days shy of 8 weeks and mine has more comb and wattles then this one. Unless totally mistaken, I'd say pullet for yours. lol   Also, my pullets are feathering in quicker then the roo. Are the heritage or hatchery. Mine are the Foley line. 

Thanks for your response! I'm so glad to see that we probably have two pullets. These came from Agway as day old chicks, so they won't be the best quality. But, as long as they are good layers we won't mind. We also bought some Gold Lace Wyandottes, Buff Orpingtons and Easter Eggers from the feed store. Next time, I will definitely purchase from a breeder like Foley. I especially love the Blue Laced Red Wyandottes and would like some for next year. Tina
Thanks for your response! I'm so glad to see that we probably have two pullets. These came from Agway as day old chicks, so they won't be the best quality. But, as long as they are good layers we won't mind. We also bought some Gold Lace Wyandottes, Buff Orpingtons and Easter Eggers from the feed store. Next time, I will definitely purchase from a breeder like Foley. I especially love the Blue Laced Red Wyandottes and would like some for next year. Tina
You are quite welcome. You will probably find that the Buff Orpingtons will be the layers of the largest eggs. I've only had Wyandottes once and if I remember right, they lay a smaller egg. I sell quite a few eggs for egg consumption so I want the larger eggs. I love the looks of the BLR Wyandottes. Never had them. I'm getting into more of the RIR heritage birds.
Enjoy your girls. They are sure pretty.
I am pretty new and loving the pictures in this thread (although I didn't see every page), this is such a beautiful breed!

Can anyone help confirm my suspicions on these two? They are hatchery chicks and about 4 1/2 weeks old (hatched May 27th), sold a pullets. They have looked so identical (other than one being a little lighter in color, we have been calling her Miss Gracey and the darker one Miss Lacey), until this week... now one is looking much redder in the beak/waddle area, so now I am thinking Mr. Lacey??? Sorry for the set of blurry/cut off pics, they aren't exactly cooperative subjects! :)

Front view: On the left is Miss/Mr? Lacey and right is Miss Gracey

From above: We still have Miss/Mr? Lacey on the left and Miss Gracie on the right

Side view of Miss Gracey:

And the closest I could get to a side view of Miss/Mr? Lacey:

Clearer, but cut off:

And one last close up of Miss/Mr Lacey's face:

Thank you! :)

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