The Silver Laced Wyandotte Thread

Wow, She is beautiful, Where did you get her? I have been quietly following this thread for a bit now and love the color of these ladies. I am going to get some chicks from Kathynmo this Spring. But would love to know still where you got this lovely lady.

5 1/2 weeks old. Probably a boy hmm? Not the best photo I know. And of course these are hatchery equivilant birds. I have another the same age, much smaller, no visible comb, darker all the way around. I have to try and get decent photos, this I just happened to have her/him out and calm and my phone handy LOL
Greetings from San Antonio, Texas! After all the reading and studying on these amazing birds....I would very much like to raise some SLW chickens. If anyone in the area is selling some of these amazing birds, please let me know.

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