The Silver Laced Wyandotte Thread

Recently won big with one of my silver laced hens :). She got Grand Champion, Champion Large Fowl, Champion American, Best of Breed, and Best Variety. Sending her off to another show this weekend along with 4 other birds. Also a few update pictures of my flock.

Hen that won Grand Champion at the show (Sorry for the wrinkly sheet. Spur of the moment photo shoot lol)

Champ hen


Oppenheimer's ladies cooling of and preening (including a black orpington hen)

Copernicus and his ladies begging for food



Sarge and his ladies conversing with a 2012 pullet

A 2012 pullet seeming to get some advice from the older hens. I think she has a thing for Sarge ;).

Oppenheimer standing valiantly for the camera

Copernicus intently watching my camera

Nice! Nice! Nice! I hope I am some where on your list. It will definitely be worth the wait.

Here is an updated picture. They sure don't look like the scraggly ugly things of a few months ago.
Awwww! Cuties!
I've had my silver laced wyandottes for a little under six months, and I am thrilled with them! I only have two, but boy do they have a ton of personality. They started laying the cutest little eggs about two weeks ago. They always make me smile and have been able to handle the bully Dominique hens I slowly introduced them too. I hope you all don't mind if I post a few photos of them. I got them from a local feed store. So, I know they are nothing special, but I think they are just lovely, especially my Stubbs!

Don't mind the poo, where there is chicken there is poo! This is Stubbs. I think she is just the prettiest little thing around. She is always talking! She constantly says "Buck buck buck, buck?" , over and over again. It always sounds like she is asking a question. You can hear her where ever she is in the yard, and even while she is laying in the nesting box she talks to herself. I cannot help but laugh at her. This morning when I went to check for eggs she happened to be in the box and scared me half to death with her scream as I opened the coop door. She wasn't finished with her business I suppose. She always has something to say and has the prettiest little voice.

Another one of Stubbs taking care of the weeds we left for them to munch on in the backyard. She looks quite different from her "sister" She has far more lacing on her while her sister is almost completely black, comparatively.

Here are Stubbs and Skaggs (in the back) checking out the sage bush. Now, while Stubbs has a soft perfect little "buck buck" voice, Skaggs is the opposite. I have never heard a buck, cluck, or chirp from her. Skaggs has the most God awful ...I don't even know how to explain the sound..."Eeeeerrppppppeekk!" It is the only sound she ever makes. When she wants a treat she screams, when she is foraging, when she is simply standing still, she screams the sound. It is such an ugly sound. When I go out in the morning to give them treats all of my ladies purr or chirp softly to say hello and thank you for the treats and then there is Skaggs, making her horrible dinosaur screech. I think she is saying the same exact thing as the other hens, just in her own "Special way" I wonder why she only makes one sound, even when sitting on our laps and grooming she screeches...We love her just the same.

Taking a dust bath together. Now Skaggs may not have her sister's lacing, or her voice, but she does protect her sister. Stubbs has found herself on the bottom of the pecking order and Skaggs is always there to defend her against the bullies. She makes sure her sister is never left alone. Even when Stubbs is laying an egg Skaggs will go up and keep her company more often than not. (So adorkable!)
They are both super friendly and love to roost on our legs, arms, shoulders, heads, where ever they can get comfortable in the evening. They don't forage as well as our Doms, but they aren't lazy about it either. They have also been dealing with our 100+ temps amazingly well. They have fit into our little backyard flock perfectly, and I couldn't be happier with them. Oh, and I have yet to hear an egg song from either of them, which is nice in the morning. What great little chickens! We went out looking for Easter Eggers and I am thrilled we, oh a whim, bought these two.
Sniff! Sniff! I became a SLW momma today! One has hatched and I see another with an external pip in the bator. These are early as today is only Day 20. I'm hoping a few more will hatch as I had 7 of 11 eggs make it to lock down. I will patiently await their hatch and then maybe a little impatiently await the 4-5 weeks needed to see if I have boys and/or girls!!!!
Sniff! Sniff! I became a SLW momma today! One has hatched and I see another with an external pip in the bator. These are early as today is only Day 20. I'm hoping a few more will hatch as I had 7 of 11 eggs make it to lock down. I will patiently await their hatch and then maybe a little impatiently await the 4-5 weeks needed to see if I have boys and/or girls!!!!
congrats! !!!!!!!
Here she is...only 8 weeks old. Out of the five chicks we have she is the most shy one, cannot even catch/hold her. A mind of her own!


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