The Silver Laced Wyandotte Thread

I have one!!
Congrats on the wins!
Recently won big with one of my silver laced hens :). She got Grand Champion, Champion Large Fowl, Champion American, Best of Breed, and Best Variety. Sending her off to another show this weekend along with 4 other birds. Also a few update pictures of my flock.

Hen that won Grand Champion at the show (Sorry for the wrinkly sheet. Spur of the moment photo shoot lol)

Champ hen


Oppenheimer's ladies cooling of and preening (including a black orpington hen)

Copernicus and his ladies begging for food



Sarge and his ladies conversing with a 2012 pullet

A 2012 pullet seeming to get some advice from the older hens. I think she has a thing for Sarge ;).

Oppenheimer standing valiantly for the camera

Copernicus intently watching my camera
What color eggs do Silver Laced Wyandottes lay?

I am trying to figure out where the light brown egg with dark brown speckles came from. LOL

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.
What color eggs do Silver Laced Wyandottes lay?

I am trying to figure out where the light brown egg with dark brown speckles came from. LOL

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

That is very possible. My ladies eggs are light creamy brown, with medium brown speckles. I only have one that lays and egg without speckles, and they are medium even toned brown.
My SIL lays a light pink/tan egg. My two RIR's lay my medium brown eggs with speckles.

My SIL is very particular. If the nest box has too many eggs, or a hen laying, she will lay on the floor of the coop. I have three chickens right now, and 5 nest boxes. She is very choosy.
Just gave my fair 3 chickens a bath because they get blood tested and pen assigned at 6..........never again.........did not like. My fluffy roo looked like a 2 month old he was so small and disgraced.

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