The Silver Laced Wyandotte Thread

We are looking for SLW hatching eggs from quality birds. If you have any or know of anyone that has eggs and will ship them to Maine please let me know. I do not need these right off as I will most likely be hatching them in my classroom.

Thank you for your time.
I got these lovely peeps from cjwaldon. They are just shy of 7 weeks. Several roos were obvious by 4 weeks with big red combs and wattles. Im thinking these are all pullets, do you agree?

Chick #1

chick # 2

Chick #3
MY 2 SLW ladies laid their first eggs today!
I had thought one laid before but turns out it wasn't her. But today I'm sure because I got an egg from everyone in the big girl coop!

The 2 creamy colored are my SLW's. Not sure who laid the tiny dark one in the center but it's cute!
We are still waiting for our SL to lay. .. The BLRB and Partridge have been laying for a month now.
Found a underdeveloped egg in the poop hammock last nite. Maybe the SL is starting up!
I started breeding Wyandotte bantams 2 years ago.
These are my silver laced and blue laced silver Wyandottes :

(2 splash laced silver chicks and 1 blue laced silver)

I'm also waiting for my SLW to lay. She's 26 weeks old and looks ready but still no squatting. I didn't know SLWs laid creamy tan eggs. Do all of them do that?

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