LOL my birthday is not for another month but OMgosh there was such a great sale, as I batted my eye lashes to the husband. He threatened to hide it until my Birthday. That conversation got him nowhere, thru a little fit like a 5 year old. hahaMine is a Canon EOS 1000 with EFS 55-250 lense . Mine has image stabilizer, so no matter how unsteady my hands are , it will correct it. I bought it when they were 1/2 price. Between my chick pics and the showjumping pics it has been worth every cent. Now all I need is for it to stop raining so I can get some pics of the hatchlings. The zoom lense allows me to get those shots without disturbing the subject. Chickens don't have a very long attention span, once I've been sitting in the pen with them for 10 mins, they tend to forget about me and get on with whatever they were doing.
Happy birthday.
That's a nice camera. My old one is the EOS Rebel XT with a 18-200 lens. The new one, like yours has the stabilizer on it which is becoming important! The old rebel is filled with dust and lens scratched. One to many outdoor hiking adventures...
Yes, they get on with biz and it seems you are just accepted as part of the flock. They are so fun to watch, very habitual and focused in the now. With whatever they are doing it seems like they are thinking this is soooooooo important. They definitely mimic. I scratch they scratch, I pluck grass they come pluck grass...It's really a good thing I am semi retired becasuse there is alot of time wasted in the coops...