The Silver Laced Wyandotte Thread

Mine is a Canon EOS 1000 with EFS 55-250 lense . Mine has image stabilizer, so no matter how unsteady my hands are , it will correct it. I bought it when they were 1/2 price. Between my chick pics and the showjumping pics it has been worth every cent. Now all I need is for it to stop raining so I can get some pics of the hatchlings. The zoom lense allows me to get those shots without disturbing the subject. Chickens don't have a very long attention span, once I've been sitting in the pen with them for 10 mins, they tend to forget about me and get on with whatever they were doing.
Happy birthday.
LOL my birthday is not for another month but OMgosh there was such a great sale, as I batted my eye lashes to the husband. He threatened to hide it until my Birthday. That conversation got him nowhere, thru a little fit like a 5 year old. haha
That's a nice camera. My old one is the EOS Rebel XT with a 18-200 lens. The new one, like yours has the stabilizer on it which is becoming important! The old rebel is filled with dust and lens scratched. One to many outdoor hiking adventures...
Yes, they get on with biz and it seems you are just accepted as part of the flock. They are so fun to watch, very habitual and focused in the now. With whatever they are doing it seems like they are thinking this is soooooooo important. They definitely mimic. I scratch they scratch, I pluck grass they come pluck grass...It's really a good thing I am semi retired becasuse there is alot of time wasted in the coops...
Tell hubby we want pics of you imitating chicks.
Got Trudy a Nikon for Xmas, all the bells and whistles. Watched in amazement as she chased a bugling bull elk through camp in Yellowstone snapping pictures the whole way. Thinks she's photojournalist now. LOL
Have a happy birthday and post lots of pics of your chickens!
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Tell hubby we want pics of you imitating chicks.
Got Trudy a Nikon for Xmas, all the bells and whistles. Watched in amazement as she chased a bugling bull elk through camp in Yellowstone snapping pictures the whole way. Thinks she's photojournalist now. LOL
Have a happy birthday and post lots of pics of your chickens!
Good for you! LOL yes, a new camera is much like new shoes. It makes one want to excel to silly limits.

haha The bantams I let out to free range as their pens are the smallest...The birds of prey are a common site around here. If one of the roosters does not let out a warning when one is flying about, I let out the alert sound. A ton of little dots boogie back to their coops or they hide behind me. Yeah, I am a case when it comes to my chickies. At least non of them are afraid of me. haha
Step one done. Introduced my 3 month old Barred Rock to my 7 month slp who is finishing up quarantine. It went pretty well. Not without some ruckus but I think they are doing ok. They have periods of ignoring one another and then periods of freaking out. The SLP generally just seems curious. On occasion she will peck the BR harder but most of the tie the pecks seem more gentle. But the BR is so freaky right now that she makes quite a fuss even with a gentles exploratory peck. I think I'll have to watch closely to make sure the SLP is letting the BR eat and drink. But tonight they are both on the perch - opposite ends but both up there! Fingers crossed that when they wake up together they will be ok! I'll be up early!
Please post the rest of the story once it unfolds. I've never incorporated new birds this way and would like to know how it goes. I've always done it the way you were originally planning, by putting the cage inside the run so everyone could see and hear each other for a few days. This is very interesting!
Please post the rest of the story once it unfolds. I've never incorporated new birds this way and would like to know how it goes. I've always done it the way you were originally planning, by putting the cage inside the run so everyone could see and hear each other for a few days. This is very interesting!
LOL. I actually bailed! Couldn't handle it yesterday.
I don't think I had the right set up and I think I picked the wrong bird to move in with my slw (Lacy). I moved my quietest bird in and she was petrified and SO stressed! The pen was two small for the BR (Jiji) to get away from Lacy and she was getting pretty beat up on, and not being allowed to eat or drink. I think it would have been great if I had a bigger set up and used a more dominant bird.

So against advice (even though I appreciate all the advice I've gotten here
) I put Jiji back in the run and coop with the flock. She immediately went to food and water and scarfed down some food and then got some comfort from the others.

And then since I figured I already introduced some germs into the flock I just fast forwarded the introduction. I took Lacy and put her in the run. My thoughts had always been that even though she is bigger (she is 7 months while the others are 3 months), she is out numbered. My head pullet a Gold Sex Link (Luna) immediately asserted herself and gave Lacy a little smack down. Which worked for about 15-30 minutes then Lacy decided she was going to be head bird. She left all the others alone and just had a bit of a tussle with Luna. No blood drawn just feather pulling. She won and is head bird which makes perfect sense since she's bigger. It was interesting to watch this. Luna is my one colorful bird. All the others are black or black and white so she stands out. The other young ones would hide her! Team work!

Everything is going well. Lacy is definitely in charge. If she wants the others out of the coop, she herds them out. If she wants them out of the run - she herds them back into the coop. They seem to be humoring her. Everyone is eating and drinking. I have multiple waterers and added another feeder for a while so there are some options. When Lacy wanted to lay her egg yesterday she got particularly cranky with the others but I think they figured out "when Lacy is in the nesting box - the DO NOT DISTURB is up". I wondered what the sleeping arrangements would be last night. But when I went to close up the coop everyone was all settled down and cuddled up. And the biggest surprise was that Lacy was in the middle of the flock with Luna on one side and my bigger English Orp pullet on the other. All snug as a bug in a rug!

I left the coop door that goes into the secure run open a bit in case they were up before I was and the littler ones needed to get away from Lacy. When I went out this morning, three of the littler ones were out and about but Lacy and Jiji were still sacked out. I always bring some sort of breakfast out. This morning it was just warm moist feed. Today I brought 3 dishes to reduce chances of fights. Lacy won't let the others eat until she had tried all the dishes. Maybe she's their official taster. She's still herding them today but they don't seem upset by this. Every once in a while there is a feather pull - but other than honking like a goose they kind of just move on!

So I'm hoping since we're doing this well at not quite 24 hours it will just continue to get better?????

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