The Silver Laced Wyandotte Thread

Some new stuff with wyandotte illustrations :). I also have the male/ female version of the illustrations shown just couldn't find them. Are they helpful? Is the ideal shown correctly? Is it easy to understand? What would you like to see? Any input is greatly appreciated!!

Book cover

One page showing best comb type (the lines in the page show where type will be)

Frame for around the ideal body or head (haven't decided yet)

Touched up/ almost final illustrations for page lay out shown above

paper cut out I did for fun (all one piece of paper)

Other illustrated comb and facial defects

Opposite page for comb defects (the lines in the page show where type will be)

Ideal male wyandotte head (unfinished)

Ideal male wyandotte body (outline for detailed painting)

Page lay out for ideal body shape (page frame on other pages the same here just didn't feel like drawing it in lol) (the lines in the page show where type will be)
Some new stuff with wyandotte illustrations :). I also have the male/ female version of the illustrations shown just couldn't find them. Are they helpful? Is the ideal shown correctly? Is it easy to understand? What would you like to see? Any input is greatly appreciated!!

Book cover

One page showing best comb type (the lines in the page show where type will be)

Frame for around the ideal body or head (haven't decided yet)

Touched up/ almost final illustrations for page lay out shown above

paper cut out I did for fun (all one piece of paper)

Other illustrated comb and facial defects

Opposite page for comb defects (the lines in the page show where type will be)

Ideal male wyandotte head (unfinished)

Ideal male wyandotte body (outline for detailed painting)

Page lay out for ideal body shape (page frame on other pages the same here just didn't feel like drawing it in lol) (the lines in the page show where type will be)

You are an amazing artist and devoted to Wyandottes. Do you breed them?
The chicks are here!!!!

12 made it in good shape, trying to save one but it's probably too late for her, ya never know though.
Pics will be posted this afternoon!!

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