The Silver Laced Wyandotte Thread

Are slw good egg layers? Are they easy to rehome? I made an order of chicks to raise and rehome and I was thinking about adding some of these to my order.. even if I got straight run, do lots of people have these or want these? (I have 2 silver laced cochins but I can't tell how much they lay when they are mixed in with the rest) Thanks!
Are slw good egg layers? Are they easy to rehome? I made an order of chicks to raise and rehome and I was thinking about adding some of these to my order.. even if I got straight run, do lots of people have these or want these? (I have 2 silver laced cochins but I can't tell how much they lay when they are mixed in with the rest) Thanks!

I suspect it depends in part on where you live, but I just advertised some of my SLW on Craigslist (thinning the flock) and people are beating down my door wanting to buy them. They are hatchery birds, although reasonably nice for hatchery. In my area 20.00 for 9-18 month old birds seems to be the going price for other breeds, so that's what I listed them at. It was obviously to low based on the number of people that wanted to buy them all, without even knowing how many I had. What surprised me also was the number of people who want my rooster. I would say 80% of them.

It may not be the same in your area, but there is definitely a demand for rehoming here. I may start hatching eggs from the ones I'm keeping, we'll see.
I suspect it depends in part on where you live, but I just advertised some of my SLW on Craigslist (thinning the flock) and people are beating down my door wanting to buy them.  They are hatchery birds, although reasonably nice for hatchery.  In my area 20.00 for 9-18 month old birds seems to be the going price for other breeds, so that's what I listed them at.  It was obviously to low based on the number of people that wanted to buy them all, without even knowing how many I had.  What surprised me also was the number of people who want my rooster.  I would say 80% of them.

It may not be the same in your area, but there is definitely a demand for rehoming here.  I may start hatching eggs from the ones I'm keeping, we'll see. 

Yes geography would play a part in it. I have left myself with only 3 pullets for this years breeders.
Everyone that has come to view other breeds fell in love with the Wyandotte . I even tried to put one guy off by telling him that I wanted $50 each for them. He went to his car and came back with $100 and a carry cage.
Wow thanks for all of the replies! I decided to add 3 straight run slw to my order!! I might end up keeping at least one of them because of the good reviews!!:)
Hi All,

I have a SLW, beautiful chicken, friendly, great with kids. Im pretty certain its a roo. He's 16 - 18 weeks now.

Does anyone know when to expect him to crow? No sounds yet.

We can't keep a crowing roo where we live unfortunately.


Hello everyone! Just thought I'd contribute a daily dose of "Cuteness". Got these from the feed store Wed. so they are probably not going to end up being spectacular, but we just wanted them as pets and egg layers. I am probably going to be looking to some of you SLW experts to help me sex them when they are a bit older, they are supposed to be pullets, but we know how that goes. These are our first SLW's so we know nothing about them, one is a lot darker than the other, will this follow thru into the adult plumage? We mostly raise peafowl, so chickens are a departure for us, any info is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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