The Silver Laced Wyandotte Thread

Quote: Hello Dan,
I have only been showing them for a year. I never had this good of quality before.
My original show birds came from Kershaw's.(The ones pictured) I did purchase chicks from other breeders and have not kept any of them but Sterling/Foley line.
I have added some Sterling/Foley blood and will be showing the new breeding this year.
So I guess you can say these are all mine.
I do not have a male/female line..but I have some hens with some smudging and some with crisp lacing.
My birds are large. As large as English Orpingtons.
Hey guys! Sorry to bump an old thread, but today I got my first two outdoor chickens! I got one Silver Laced Wyandotte, Speckles, and a Rhode Island Red, Blu.

Thanks! She and her sister were free because they are going to stop laying soon.

Hope all of your eggs hatch well!
I had posted a few months ago, unsure of the sex of one of my SLW. never having had them befor I wasn't sure what the differences were as a chick. well .... Storm was suppose to be a girl but he's deff a boy! hes almost 4 months now. and the first rooster in my flock. hes so sweet ........I just know nothing about roosters :) ?!

Aww, he is adorable!

I know all about roos because I've had one living in my house for 7 months, haha!

They're mostly easy to take care of, when they start getting aggressive don't be afraid to give them a smack or a kick, it puts them right in line. Most people say at least 4 hens per rooster, which I think is good too.
we were told these guys look like the may be silver laced Wyandotte, what do you think? pullet or rooish?
(please excuse the dye the tractor place did it
), these were sold as EE but several people have commented that they don't look it

we were told these guys look like the may be silver laced Wyandotte, what do you think? pullet or rooish? (please excuse the dye the tractor place did it :rant ), these were sold as EE but several people have commented that they don't look it
Definitely a male silver laced wyandotte. The rose comb, yellow legs, and his color are key indicators. Should turn into a handsome fellow :)

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