The Silver Laced Wyandotte Thread

Hello all....these were supposed to be BLRW but obviously not. What sex? I'm convinced the one is a roo, but the other still does not have a red comb...pullet? Thanks!

Roo in back pullet???in front

Same pullet

Nice looking SL PeakyBeaky. I need to take a few pictures of my grow outs. They are turning out pretty good and I hope I have a few to take to Ohio Nationals.

Most chicks do not start developing lacing until they are about 6weeks old. It starts as white lines in some lines, and than the chest develops white scallops.
Chicks molt about 7 times before they reach 16 weeks. Most hatchery birds are not really Silver Laced Wyandottes..they represent the breed. Most hatchery birds are wonderful and will be good layers.

Thanks @delisha, and sorry, I just saw this!
Mine had the white lines for the longest time then got that scalloping in their chest. Now they're mostly black across the back with spots here and there and we've been in a holding pattern. Lol They're 10 weeks old now and perfectly spunky and sweet birds, so I'm cool with them either way, just really want them to be recognizable. I had no idea they molted that much! I thought they did only 3 as they grew. Lol I'm learning.
But, yeah, they're our Darlings, as my 4 year old calls them, and apparently my rooster is becoming enamored with them too. Uh oh
Hello SLW folks

my wife & I already have buff orpingtons (part english) also imported blue & splash english orpingtons in out flocks

we are now looking to add some SLW's to our place up here in the new hampshire hills

what should we look for (the good & the bad)

thanks in advance

I can tell you that the little SLW that i added to my flock this spring is a delight. She's about 10 weeks old, is always on a mission. She's not a bit aggressive, nor does she seem to get pecked on by the other pullets in her age group. As far as quality, I defer to the experts.
Hello SLW folks

my wife & I already have buff orpingtons (part english) also imported blue & splash english orpingtons in out flocks 

we are now looking to add some SLW's to our place up here in the new hampshire hills

what should we look for (the good & the bad)

thanks in advance


Nice crisp lacing , a rose comb and yellow legs. These would be at the top of my list when purchasing slw.
I hatched some silver laced Wyandottes, and this one came out so much lighter than the others. I've never had these birds before, will he grow up to look different? Or is he maybe not a SLW at all?

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