The Silver Laced Wyandotte Thread

This is Katherine my SLW with her friend Goldie the BO. 6 weeks old now.
Ugg I am so frustrated I purchased 5 SLW eggs off ebay (there was a pop up that said buy in 17 min and it ships today ) this was on Thursday with 2 day shipping so I though sweet theyll be here Sat. however the seller emailed me and said she'd mail the eggs saturday and they'd get to me Monday. whatever at least she messaged me and this IS eggs were talking about so some prep needs to happen before shipping. So I found some local greenfire lines Tolbunt polish eggs and drove an hour to get those so I would have them and the wyandotte eggs on monday - let everything rest a day and place them in the bator on Tuesday... WELL I got my polish eggs , but my SLW eggs are NOT here! I emailed the seller who said she mailed them out on saturday, so I called the Post office because the tracking number I had showed NO information- and they said they have not scanned the package so therefore it had NOT been accepted by USPS , Finally tonight some info showed up and my package was "accepted" in a facility in AR. ( Im in WA state ) so I probably wont get them until Wed :( I dont know if I should just hold onto the tolbunt eggs ( which werent cheap ) until the wyandotte eggs get here or if I should just call the wyandotte eggs a loss and put the tolbunt eggs in the bator?

This is why I didnt want to get shipped eggs again! :/ to much stress! gonna try to relax maybe the eggs will show tomorrow and I can set everything Wed AM :/

i have found that chicks from shipped eggs don't turn out to be as hardy as chicks from my own birds here

my hatch rate for long distance eggs is only about 25% :(

i hope everything works out for you

I thought I would share there SLW's from the other side of the pond

these are NOT my birds (i only wish)

well my eggs arrived today

2 broken & 1 cracked out of a dozen

worst packing job i have ever seen

i sent eggs to a guy on the west coast, he then took those eggs box & all in his luggage & flew to the Philippines

when he opened the box the eggs were still in good shape

not bad for going 8,000 miles

anyone on here have SLW eggs from a flock that meets the SOP for the breed?


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