The Silver Laced Wyandotte Thread

thanks. but what do you mean by sold out dates.

If a certain hatchery is putting 600 silver laced Wyandot eggs in an incubator this sunday for a hatch date of March 9th and they already have orders for 280 pullets, they won't sell more until they know how many turned out to be pullets and how many hatched. Therefor, if you try to order for a March 9th shipment, they might say only males are available. You won't get any!
If a certain hatchery is putting 600 silver laced Wyandot eggs in an incubator this sunday for a hatch date of March 9th and they already have orders for 280 pullets, they won't sell more until they know how many turned out to be pullets and how many hatched. Therefor, if you try to order for a March 9th shipment, they might say only males are available. You won't get any!

thanks. I just cant belive the shipping on these birds.
I was wondering if it is to cold for me to start incubating some eggs. I live in Montana so it gets pretty cold. but I keep them in the house when they are little
I've been hatching all winter. I keep them in the bathroom for the first 3 weeks then I move then to the coop. After the first week I raise the heat lamp every few days to decrease the heat in the brooder and encourage feather growth, then when I put them in the coop (I have a designated chick area) I put a heat lamp with a shatter proof bulb in there with them. I also lower the lamp to where it started when they hatched to provide them with extra warmth. I haven't lost one to cold/bad weather.

I hope that makes since.
I've been hatching all winter. I keep them in the bathroom for the first 3 weeks then I move then to the coop. After the first week I raise the heat lamp every few days to decrease the heat in the brooder and encourage feather growth, then when I put them in the coop (I have a designated chick area) I put a heat lamp with a shatter proof bulb in there with them. I also lower the lamp to where it started when they hatched to provide them with extra warmth. I haven't lost one to cold/bad weather.

I hope that makes since

I don't have electricity in our coop tho
I think I am going to put some eggs In the incubator this week.and was wondering when sould I order the birds I was going to buy from the hatchery. I want them to be the same age so I can put them outside to gether so I don't have a bunch of chicks in our basement a long time.
I would order the birds first, then set the eggs to match the expected arrival date. A lot of folks place their order for their chicks just as soon as the hatchery is accepting orders. For example: you can always order in January, and specify an April delivery date.
I would order the birds first, then set the eggs to match the expected arrival date. A lot of folks place their order for their chicks just as soon as the hatchery is accepting orders. For example: you can always order in January, and specify an April delivery date.

thanks but I am going to hatch my own chicks this year .
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I just hatched some barnyard mixes although some of them could be pure SLW since my roo is a SLW and two of my hens are SLWs. Could someone post some chick pics?

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