The Sizzle Thread!

I just got a chick yesterday. It is 3/4 silkie 1/4 spangled Russian orloff. It has dark skin, a walnut comb, smooth feathers, a vaulted skull, 5 toes on each foot and it even has some down on every single toe. Could I potentially call this a smooth white sizzle? And is it possible to show them? How would I go about that?
Hi all,

We are attempting to breed some sizzles for our own enjoyment - no to sell, not to show - just to enjoy as hobbyists.

Our daddy bird is a show silkie. The mom is a bantam frizzled cochin. They've had two clutches. The first one resulted in one hatch - a beautiful pullet - partridge with black skin, blue ear lobes and flat feathered, 5 toes.

The second clutch had 5 chicks - 4 cockerels and 1 pullet. We've rehomed 2 cockerels. They are three months old. We are keeping the pullet of course. Of the two cockerels, both are white and the pullet is black, one cockerel is sweeter than spice and flat feathered. The other one is frizzled feathered, gorgeous, but showing signs of dominance and aggression. Of course we wanted to keep the frizzle feathered but are now torn. Which of the two should we keep for our project. They are also going to be pets. We were planning on keeping the frizzle feathered, but now just don't know what to do.

Thank you for your help!
Well I have a question. My sister bought some Sizzles last year and is not interested in working witht hem anymore but I am really wanting to work on perfecting them they are only 1st Generation. Where do I need to go from here??


Sugar and Cinnamon.
I have a Silkie cockerel. He is about 9 months old and has been successfully covering two old silkie hens and a small bantam cochin hen. Their run is about 12' x 14'.

I've two young pullets - a Sizzle and a Silkie (at least I am hoping they are pullets - no combs or waddles developing thus far) that are in a run inside that run so I can introduce them into my small flock. The pullets were hatched 4 1/2 months ago. They are not laying or doing anything that definitive that tells me they are boys or girls. Right now, I really feel they are girls.

So, today, it was observed that the cockerel and the sizzle were throwing themselves at each other through the fencing that is separating them. By the time I was able to get out to the chicken run, they had stopped. I've been putting them next to each other for about a week now and have never seen ill behavior. I watched them for a while and they never started up again.

Is this normal?? My intention was to integrate them with the others in the near future - probably when they show signs of sexual maturity. May be a few months before they are completely together.

Advice?? Thank you
I have a Silkie cockerel. He is about 9 months old and has been successfully covering two old silkie hens and a small bantam cochin hen. Their run is about 12' x 14'.

I've two young pullets - a Sizzle and a Silkie (at least I am hoping they are pullets - no combs or waddles developing thus far) that are in a run inside that run so I can introduce them into my small flock. The pullets were hatched 4 1/2 months ago. They are not laying or doing anything that definitive that tells me they are boys or girls. Right now, I really feel they are girls.

So, today, it was observed that the cockerel and the sizzle were throwing themselves at each other through the fencing that is separating them. By the time I was able to get out to the chicken run, they had stopped. I've been putting them next to each other for about a week now and have never seen ill behavior. I watched them for a while and they never started up again.

Is this normal?? My intention was to integrate them with the others in the near future - probably when they show signs of sexual maturity. May be a few months before they are completely together.

Advice?? Thank you
I would go ahead and put them together just so by the time they are old enough for breeding they will already have their pecking order sorted out. Just seeing each other helps at first, but as you found out being right next to each other and being able to be in contact can be tricky. I would sit in the run with them and whenever they start to fight just prove you are the leader instead of one of them.
I went out yesterday and the sizzle pullet reached thru the fence and grabbed the cockerel by the comb and drew blood. The pullet is heavily silkie influenced - more than the cochin side of her breeding. I'm now worried that she may be he. No saddle feathers - no sizable comb - tiniest hint of a waddle.

Any thoughts on gender??? or tips. I'm really afraid to put them together after their little spat yesterday.

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