The story that never ends.


Love is Silkie soft!
7 Years
Oct 13, 2014
Don't like your attitude, change your latitude
The object of this thread is that everyone adds on to the story, from where the last post left off.

It's completely up to you where you take it and how you want to leave off.

Of course, let's keep it family friendly everyone. Let's have fun!

"It really wasn't fair", she thought to herself. "Why did things have to go so terribly wrong, all of a sudden?" Fairfax looked down at her twisted ankle, she took a moment to reflect on her options. She really should have thought this whole thing out better....
Fairfax growled in frustration and started to limp back to her house, trying to ignore the pain in her right ankle as she trudged back to her house.
But, she underestimate how close her house really was. Five minutes into her trudge, she was winded and covered in sweat. Resting her left shoulder on a tree trunk, she looked for a branch big enough to use as a crutch. In her silence search that's when she noticed...
But, she underestimate how close her house really was. Five minutes into her trudge, she was winded and covered in sweat. Resting her left shoulder on a tree trunk, she looked for a branch big enough to use as a crutch. In her silence search that's when she noticed...

A small baby sparrow, alone under a pile of branches. It called weakly to her, fluffing up the small amount of feathers that were almost completely plastered to its body. Fairfax crouched down, calling softly to it, and then….
A small baby sparrow, alone under a pile of branches. It called weakly to her, fluffing up the small amount of feathers that were almost completely plastered to its body. Fairfax crouched down, calling softly to it, and then….

She scooped it up into her palm. It was so cold and damp it was a wonder the little thing still lived. With this new unexpected complication. She pondered what to do with it. She needed her hands for the makeshift crutch. What was she to do with the baby sparrow?
It started to pour. she took the baby sparrow in to her arms and ran as fast she could. when she reached her house and her silkie amanda was waiting for her. senseing something was wrong amanda hopped on the table and let her mothering instict kicked in.
It started to pour. she took the baby sparrow in to her arms and ran as fast she could. when she reached her house and her silkie amanda was waiting for her. senseing something was wrong amanda hopped on the table and let her mothering instict kicked in.

Fairfax gently put the sparrow on the table. "You need a name, sweetheart." She told the sparrow. Amanda's best friend, Frindizzle, wandered into the house and peered at the sparrow, then turned to Amanda, who was already on top of the sparrow, clucking softly.
but then Fairfax's brother came in. " YOUR ORPHINGTON IS OUT!! SHE WANDERING IN THE STREET AND AND ITS RUSH HOUR!" Fairfax leaves the sparrow in amanda"s feet.
but then Fairfax's brother came in. " YOUR ORPHINGTON IS OUT!! SHE WANDERING IN THE STREET AND AND ITS RUSH HOUR!" Fairfax leaves the sparrow in amanda"s feet.

Polly was about to cross the street. Why did the chicken cross the road? She thought gleefully. Fairfax grabbed her before she could get any farther. "Polly! You are very naughty!" Fairfax brought her back into the coop.

Meanwhile, Frindizzle was searching for worms for the sparrow.

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