the sultan thread

Fishnet- I love your video! They have beautifully feathered feet. Nuggets are kind of scruffy looking and a little sparse. I <3 Sultan noises. My Nugget speaks her own language that my Silkie sometimes understands!

Ashandvine- Good luck on hatching your eggs! My Sultan never flies. She's probably the only one if my flock that hasn't. She jumps and hops around, but other than that she stays down out of the trees and off the dividing fence.

I trimmed eye feathers/fluff on my Silkie and Nugget yesterday. Silly Nugget screams bloody murder when I pick her up, but then falls asleep in my lap while I trim. Weirdo. Nuggies and her flock:

The eggs are set. I will know how the initial prognosis looks this weekend when I candle.
I have made arrangements for them to have bantam cochin buddies. Its my hope that the laid back cochins and the laid back Sultans will all hang out saying, dude all day with teach other.
Awesome! I gave my broody some sultan eggs to sit on while I ordered hatchery chicks. When the chicks came, I switched them out and all is well, except it turned out that one of the eggs was fertile. Now I have that one egg in the 'bator 'cause I couldn't let it die, I'm also curious as to what the chick will be like, though I don't know which pullet was it's mom....? My broody kept pecking at the one different chick I gave her (a dorking) I guess because it looked different from the others, so she is all alone In a box with a soft cloth and a mirror. I'm hoping she'll get along well with the sultan chick once it hatches.

Charlie isn't very good at mounting the girls, and he isn't with the girls very often, so that's why most of the eggs were infertile.

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