The Tetra Tint thread.. (Photos, info) ❤

paint their toe nails a different color - my friend said when they were children they use to paint the chicken toe nails and it sounded funny! And the girls could look really pretty!! I thought about putting a dot of paint or indelible marker on their heads.

While it may be cute, it is fairly impractical as the longevity of nail polish on the bird's nails will be such that it will be a matter of near constant re-application and the nails are not very visible in a "flock observation" situation so you still end up with a group of birds unable to be told apart without very close inspection of the nails.
This was just discussed on the forum a few days ago - I suggested you paint their toe nails...which may be a little time consuming but funny! Most people put bands on their legs - also a color coding method, just not a chic!!
Well, yes. Ole Grey Mare does have a valid point - my "flock observation" consists of only 5 little hens that come sit on my lap and beg for oatmeal and - well - I guess I do pamper them. Nail polish application is definitely NOT practical - and perhaps only an option for someone with way too much time on their hands - or kids that might take on the task as a fun chicken make-over idea.....I have lace curtains in the coop windows too - my first chickens and I am rather enjoying them. I'm in a house full of men so I am enjoying the girlies.
I painted a small drop of food coloring on my chicks so I would know which ones came from which parents. You could do it with your birds and it will be semi-permanent. When they molt you'll have to reapply the color.
Yes, they do, one has a lot of brown, one has blackish tail feathers, one is pure white and the other one is a little spotty but its hard to tell unless you're right on top of them.

Ours kinda look like that but it isn't as noticeable.
Do they all have their combs and wattles yet? One way I tell is that one of my chickens (Tilly) already has her wattle coming in and none of my other chickens have them yet. But again you have to be right there to see it.

Here are some pics I took, you can somewhat see their different coloring. Two of them have bigger combs and wattles than the others.

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