Hey y'all!

I got my first pair of India(n?) Blues last fall, and their breeder said the hen should start laying this Spring. The cock has been showing off and the hen has been showing definite interest, but I've yet to see an egg. Is it just a matter of patience (as I've heard
) or is there something I can do to encourage her to lay?
They are in a large pen and she has a big dog house full of straw for a laying box
I feed them a mix of game bird feed and laying pellets.
add greens to their diet I go through a case of collard greens a month for 5 birds, not so much in the summer as they free range more and I grow greens and fresh grasses given daily for them as well as give them apples and canteloup , sun seed, shelled corn, sport mix dog food 33% protein, a lay pellet, oyster shell and a multi blend crumble full of nutrients and vitamins for laying.
man, i wish they wouldn't destroy gardens! My chickens already succeed in doing that
and i had a feeling peafowl would do the same...
I guess fences and yelling and throwing things will have to suffice. Or maybe there is a stinky spray that will keep them away!

It's her first year laying, how many more can I expect? And how soon? Should I wait to set for another one, or go ahead?
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! Generally speaking the peahens will lay about every other day but can sometimes vary depending on many factor. First time laying peahens May not be regular yet. It can vary on the quantity of eggs as well but 20 to 30 seems to be about average. You can hold the eggs if stored properly (turned 2 to 3 times daily and temp less than 70) about 10 days or so and then set several eggs at one time. I'm excited for you! I still get excited every time my pea hens lay.

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