The Welsummer Thread!!!!

Are welsummers supposed to be a freindly breed because mine is not that freindly and she only likes one other chick and she is aggressive twordes the other ones especially the duck
Yes, they are friendly, but not lap chickens.

My Welsummer has been laying for a year, and she still lays eggs as big as bantams eggs. Why?
Mine lay large to jumbo eggs.
Hello everyone. I'm interested in getting some chicks in the next couple weeks. I'm looking for quality Welsummers, Dominiques, and Speckled Sussex. I only want 10-20 total, so about 5 or so of each, and all hens for eggs. I live on a rural farmstead in Wisconsin. I know I can go through a big hatchery but would prefer a smaller outfit with strong, heritage lineage.
Any help?

So I have this chick i was told is a welsummer. But now I'm not so sure because it has some white feathers coming in on the chest. Is it one or maybe a cross of some sort. I was trying to figure out if its a roo. But it's chest is mostly white with a little black. Here is a pic.

Hello everyone. I'm interested in getting some chicks in the next couple weeks. I'm looking for quality Welsummers, Dominiques, and Speckled Sussex. I only want 10-20 total, so about 5 or so of each, and all hens for eggs. I live on a rural farmstead in Wisconsin. I know I can go through a big hatchery but would prefer a smaller outfit with strong, heritage lineage.
Any help?

SandHill Preservation Center. Good luck!
Oops sorry, straight run only with them, their not going to kill chicks just because you only want pullets.

Plus I think their minimum order is more than the number she wanted. Breeders I've purchased eggs or young chicks from have all sold straight run, although welsumers can be sexed at hatch, so to be sure of girls you would have to wait until the other breeds are older.
There may be other places put usually only hatchery birds are sexed at hatching.
@3eggerOmeletteYour best bet is to advertise in your local area newspapers and Craigslist. There should be a Wisconsin thread on BYC. You'll find many people hatching out eggs, or reducing their flocks.
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Hello everyone. I'm interested in getting some chicks in the next couple weeks. I'm looking for quality Welsummers, Dominiques, and Speckled Sussex. I only want 10-20 total, so about 5 or so of each, and all hens for eggs. I live on a rural farmstead in Wisconsin. I know I can go through a big hatchery but would prefer a smaller outfit with strong, heritage lineage.
Any help?

Here's the breeders list for Welsummers:

I don't know of anyone selling the other breeds in your area. @Papa Brooder here in CA has Speckled Sussex.

So I have this chick i was told is a welsummer. But now I'm not so sure because it has some white feathers coming in on the chest. Is it one or maybe a cross of some sort. I was trying to figure out if its a roo. But it's chest is mostly white with a little black. Here is a pic.
Looks like a Speckled Sussex and a male.
How friendly are welsummers? I've read that they are a docile breed but I was wondering how friendly are they? I thought it is best to ask owners of this beautiful breed.

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