There are bigfoot pictures in Pennsylvania by auto camera

OK I am cynic anyway. and there are very few things that I believe that I cannot put my hands on, and some that I can, that I still do not think is credible. So NO, I do not think "they" are out there ! However, The DW is always trying to convince me otherwise. She is convinced that the reason we have very few small animals around here is the "bigfoot".
She always checks the website for new sightings and lets me know the latest. I have been hunting since I was knee high to a tall indian, and been in the woods (out west and east) in the mountains and I have never seen so much as a pile of poop. Have seen bear, big cats, but no "bigfeet".

Her answer to the emaciated bear is "well how did he get those long legs?"

I try to keep an open mind though
I still maintain if there was one out there, one of the rednecks around here would have bagged and tagged him ! They(rednecks) are the only thing I fear in the woods!

OH and it said in the article that it is a game camera ( the kind with the motion trigger)
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Not to get off the beaten path or anything but another weird sightings here in Michigan is cougars. For several years there has been reported sightings of them. The DNR refuses to accept that they are here. Not to long ago a man had videos of 3 of them! It has been pointed out in the press that indeed cougars have been moving east, mostly displaced young males. Years ago I was walking my dog in broad daylight and saw a coyote in the city no less! I thought what a strange dog, he was doing kinda of a loping run. Most stray dogs will want to investigate strange dogs, but this one stayed far away(my dog was a full grown boxer). Well I thought I was seeing things till the local paper reported coyotes were feeding on the local cat population. The thought of cougars kinda put shivers down my back. This has put alot of the local livestock owners in a dizzy. I am sure a full grown cougar could take down cattle and horses.
Yes we had a black cougar spotted here, it has to be a cub from one of the US navy ones that got away during WW2.
The one that was spotted near my place was on the trail next to the river and the river comes from exactly the place where they escaped!!!!so I guess they follow the river system when they go walkies and hunt.
Chupacabra chupacabra!!!
I don't know what that is but I wouldn't want to run across it. Everything around here that is weird is a CHUPACABRA LOL
Hotwings wolves, coyotes, bobcats and cougars are all animals that should live in this area. Humans pushed them out. I am kinda glad cougars and wolves are making a comeback to our area. Maybe the deer population will decrease with the return of their natural predator. (I live in Indiana)

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