There are bigfoot pictures in Pennsylvania by auto camera

Why kill one just to prove they exist? If your not gonna eat it don't kill it.

I'll bet it would taste like chicken....
Being from Jersey, I know for a fact Bigfoot was a hoax
The guy's wife came out publicly after he passed and said it was nothing but a hoax her husband did - he got the suit, wore it and had a friend video tape it.
Now, the Loch Ness monster, that's another story.........
Have you ever looked for video clips on Youtube or anywhere in fact about Bigfoot, SAsquach, Sking Ape? Any of those names that it is called? You will find tons of stupid people that have made video clips of the Famed Bigfoot that aren't real. Lots that make fun of the idea. It's out there and has been since the indians had this land. I belive anything is possible. In those pictures the first of the three looks like two bear cubs then the last two pics it looks like 1 bear cub and a young sasquach.

My theory is they are like "friends" with the other animals. My neighbor had one that kept putting a shelter over his dog pen that held 2 pomeranians. He would remove the branches and put them back on the brush pile. The next morning they where back on top of the pen. He used to lay on his Hamhock almost all night trying to wait it out and one night he saw a figure bend over and pet his little dogs in the pen. We have all heard them out in the woods behind us. When I say woods, it's pretty much treeless right behind us. Some trees but not nothing something of their size can hid in but alot of tall weeds and it could be a pretty deep pond if it had a little work done.

I had my webcam in my window last night and it went off twice but I couldn't tell what it was. I can use mine as a remote monorting, motion detection or take a picture or a clip. Or I can have video conference. I had it on motion detection.
I dought that bigfoot exsists but because someone hoaxes a sighting dont mean they dont exsist. If there is a bigfoot than hes more human than anybody can imagine. I think thers more likely theres a bigfoot than a loch ness monster. I dont think we evolved from apes. And in that picture thats a skinny bear.
They had a show about the Lake Champ monster..on like Discovery channel or something.
Anyways..these scientists had all this crazy sonor equipment....and they DID pick up something that has never been recorded there before on the sonor. And they knew what every sound from there was..from the fresh water dolphins that get in there sometimes..down to the the noise the little clams make.
but this one sound was not known to came up real fast and then disapered just as fast before they could get a fix on it...they said that something IS in there..just dont know what..And they said that its big too.
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Sounds like it was Richard Simmon's manhood.

emvickrey, your sig says "All I talk about is chickens", but you've talked mostly about Bigfoot. You mentioned it hasn't EATEN your chickens. I think you need to update your sig line.

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