There are bigfoot pictures in Pennsylvania by auto camera

Shhhh we don't speakith of his name

Yeah I just made a word up.
I didn't read all the posts, but everyone who "sees" one close enough to smell, says the odor is just horrible. How would someone do that and not make themselves sick? I think there are some things that just aren't to be explained, and maybe this is one of them. One the other hand, if the critter was a funny as the one on "Harry and the Hendersons", then it might be sorta fun to have him around.
I ride endurance so I spend a lot of time in the woods and my region (Northeastern Michigan) is actually a Bigfoot hot spot. I've seen and heard things that are not bears. I've heard things walking through the woods in a steady one-two gait that bears cannot do. My horse has heard things that get her on edge. She is NOT a fearful horse, she stared down a coyote two years ago.

There is something out there.

I also showed the pictures from the "Jacob's Camera" to some very experienced hunters. While not concluding it was a Bigfoot, they said "That's no bear."

In 2008, at an endurance ride in MI's Upper Peninsula, there were Bigfoot hunters in the national forest. Apparently they didn't have any luck.
They do have a smell, That is why they are also called Skunk Ape. We can smell them when they are near. There are alot of skeptics that don't believe anything they haven't seen themselves and thats fine. We are all different for a reason. It makes us Unique. Look up Skunk Ape on the internet. Just imagine all that hair and living in the woods. Some live in swamps like the ones in Florida.

And personally, if they where as friendly as Harry and the Hendersons. He would have to take a bath to come in here.

I don't think they are out to hurt us and I truely believe they are vegatarians. At least the ones in our area are. They like animals. The one in the picture with the 3 pictures together. It can clearly be seen that the first one is 2 young bears. The other two there is a bear but the other figure is a young sasquach. And it appears to be playing with the bears. The last pic it looks to be on its head and on all 4's. Its arms and legs are much longer than a bears are and the feet and hands are different. They're not paws. But in the video clip of the adult one at the bottom, if you click on it to watch it walk, that is not a Sasquach. It's gait is too human. I'm no expert but it doesn't look porportioned like the Sasquach that have been caught on tape. And the face looks like a mask to me.

I don't believe in evolution, that we mutated from apes. If so, why are there still apes? Sasquach is just another species, an intellagent one at that. And if we did ever actually get one on tape or video, I sure wouldn't announce it to the world and have all those hunters out here trying to kill them. They don't bother us, and it makes our lives a little more interesting to always be wondering and gives the guys a reason to hang out in the middle of the night trying to see one.They get all freaked out. It's really funny to watch. My neighbor came knocking on my door around 2 am the other morning because he got freaked out. He really didn't want to go back outside to go home. It would scare me too if I was out there all alone with something twice as big as me in the dark at night. It's spooky
Last night was really spooky because they where on the move and all around. I mentioned in another post how I heard them calling each other then all the dogs all around started howling. It was creepy.
If this is in response to my question, I didn't mean it as confrontational, like 'prove yourself'. I meant it in a truly curious way. I live in the desert. We don't have Bigfoot here. But I freak out when we go to forest land. I don't believe in Bigfoot 100%, probably because I live in the desert and have to rely on you all, but I don't NOT believe. But since I've never heard your story before, I'm simply wondering why you think you're hearing a Bigfoot rather than a bear or mountain lion or a drunk neighbor. Is it by sound alone? Smell? Have you seen one? Have your parents seen one? I've seen a lot of t.v. programs on Bigfoot, and while some of the eyewitnesses are neither here nor there, some of them I believe with all my heart. Especially the people in law enforcement. Some people, you can just tell they believe they saw something, and it freaked them out.
He had to have just opened fire on them to have killed 2. What a big chicken. Just to shoot at something because it startled him. Only suppose to kill for food or self defence.
Agreed on the walking Bigfoot. It just looks too perfect. So clean and groomed.

What do they sound like when calling each other?
He had to have just opened fire on them to have killed 2. What a big chicken. Just to shoot at something because it startled him. Only suppose to kill for food or self defence.

I think he buried them in the Lost Dutchman's Mine.

Sorry, too much of this story doesn't sound logical. I could see ME going into a thicket and freaking and shooting something, but not a seasoned hunter. None of it makes sense, though it is fun.

Especially when you consider that this guy KNOWS darn well he'd stand to make a lot of money producing a Bigfoot, much less TWO. So he'd find out if it would be considered criminally liable, find out it's not, and go dig 'em up and show the world.

But aside from that, none of it rings logical.
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