There are bigfoot pictures in Pennsylvania by auto camera

A couple of them look like someone with meaty thighs put on a black body suit and mask & did some yoga poses out there in the woods...
I know people as well that have seen something they cannot explain and they are definitely not crazy. My Brother saw something on the beach at low tide and he said it wasn't a Bear, it walked up right.
If it was for fame and money then it backfires on some.
I was talking to a Sasquatch researcher and he said most people who have seen a creature, in a few days start to doubt what they have seen. Rational takes over and many don't tell their stories until years after the sighting.

Another Neighbor hears wood banging on wood coming from the forest. Like a thick heavy branch banging on a tree trunk. Sometimes it is wood hitting the side of their house, of course it is the side where there isn't any windows.
One night they heard ungodly screaming going down their driveway past their house to their lower lake.
The man had been a big game guide in Northern Ontario for years, went through WW2 and Vietnam and was trapped in the Vietnam when Saigon fell. He said he has never heard anything like it before. It put chills through him.
I'm a believer because although I haven't actually seen anything i've heard them. My neighbor which is also brother n law used to sit outside every night in summer and wait. He seen them on a few occassions. When he wasn't outside he would hear a big bang on his back door or at the back of his house. LIke something took it's fist and hit the house. I also had the same thing happen here. I was also outside on the front porch when I heard something walking just behind out house in the edge of the woods. From the sound of the foot steps it had 2 feet not 4. AS soon as I said something it ran off. I was on the phone with my brother n law at the time. There was like a area of huts made out of bent over trees with obvious entrances found behind the house in the woods. When it was found they moved. IT had looked like it was being lived at. Then when he went back a few months later it was grown over. His little dogs lived outside in a pen and he would find tree branches laying over the top for a roof. And they make sounds that sound like a dove at night. They call each other cause we hear them all around us as if they're talking to each other. And when they're close we can smell them. It's not skunks. It's like stinky wet fur. So far this summer we only had one big bang on the side of our house but i've heard them. I think they miss my brother n law outside and trying to get somebody out there.
I believe they don't eat meat. If they did my chicken coop would be empty. Also there was a deer at the edge of my brother n laws yard at dusk and somebody took a shot at it and missed and the big foot apparently was near and it angered it and it yelled.
Here's another pic of the bear. Mangy.....

Some Indian tribes did not like to kill and skin bears, on racks, like they did other animals. Bears look like humans with dog faces, without their skin on. It's truly disturbing to see. It is frightening. Like a monster. Many Indian tribes thought people became bears in the afterlife.
I know people as well that have seen something they cannot explain and they are definitely not crazy. My Brother saw something on the beach at low tide and he said it wasn't a Bear, it walked up right.
If it was for fame and money then it backfires on some.
I was talking to a Sasquatch researcher and he said most people who have seen a creature, in a few days start to doubt what they have seen. Rational takes over and many don't tell their stories until years after the sighting.

Another Neighbor hears wood banging on wood coming from the forest. Like a thick heavy branch banging on a tree trunk. Sometimes it is wood hitting the side of their house, of course it is the side where there isn't any windows.
One night they heard ungodly screaming going down their driveway past their house to their lower lake.
The man had been a big game guide in Northern Ontario for years, went through WW2 and Vietnam and was trapped in the Vietnam when Saigon fell. He said he has never heard anything like it before. It put chills through him.

People may begin to doubt themselves, but the fear never goes away. They tend to avoid the area where the sighting occurred.

I agree. It is so far from "normal" that it would be very unsettling. I know I would avoid the area and I also wouldn't repeat to anyone but the researchers if I saw one.
A lady in my area was was 30 feet away from two, one was helping a injured one walk. She was driving down a remote backroad, turned a tight corner and the creatures were walking up a old overgrown logging road, on her right. She said she was so close she could see the skin under the hair on its face. She made eye contact and felt mental telepathy. It was full of sorrow and just wanted to be left alone.
I agree. It is so far from "normal" that it would be very unsettling. I know I would avoid the area and I also wouldn't repeat to anyone but the researchers if I saw one.
A lady in my area was was 30 feet away from two, one was helping a injured one walk. She was driving down a remote backroad, turned a tight corner and the creatures were walking up a old overgrown logging road, on her right. She said she was so close she could see the skin under the hair on its face. She made eye contact and felt mental telepathy. It was full of sorrow and just wanted to be left alone.

wow thats creepy, guess it may be kinda cool though but still pretty creepy/scary, and why was it full of sorrow, cause people kept bugging it and/or its friend was injured? wow thats creepy...

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