There are bigfoot pictures in Pennsylvania by auto camera

As to the question of the disappearance of the Neanderthal, I have suspicion that they were radically different from modern humans. I suspect they were unable to digest non protein foods. Also, their reproductive cycle may have been a once or twice a year fertility period.

Inability to exploit non protein food sources and a limited reproductive cycle may have done them in.

Neanderthals have always struck me as simply stouter humans. Genetics and a different diet could easily account for their stocky build. I have this lingering suspicion that they were just a group of inbred humans. But that's just me.
Well, the Neanderthals are gone, but their petrified poop remains. The corprolites contain the remains of meat mostly. This leads me to think that they were not scrounging around looking for roots and berries.

Creatures adapt to what is available. They have been known to slowly change appearances to adapt to their environment. They certainly can adapt to the change in food. We used to have coyotes in this area but i only hear then in the far distance to the north of us. Not to the south where the Bigfoot have been living. We do have fox, raccoon and opossums and of course deer. I think they have ran off the coyote. That is just my opinion, nothing has been proven. About 5 years ago I would have to be careful going out at night because they would be in the yard or come up on me, now, none.
Looks like they may have some leads in Kentucky, watched Hillbilly Monster or something like that last night on Monster quest. They collected some unknown vocalizations and a tooth. The final outcome was that they believe there is something out there but nothing conclusive, except that they are pretty certain the vocalizations are from something "unknown".

This was the best Bigfoot show I've watched.

Did you see the episode where some creature chewed and clawed the side of a woman's Mini Van? She still owns the Mini Van. Whatever did it was incredibly strong and angry.

The scientists said that the wood knocking is a primate warning signal. The Great Apes do it.
My retired Neighbors hear wood knocking all the time. I've never heard it.

I was talking to several retired Loggers. A couple of them have seen something they don't really want to talk about. Equipment damaged, strange foot prints and howling. Weird feeling your being watched.
I did not see the episode where the woman's minivan was scratched.

The one I watched last night had a few different people recounting some of their encounters of which seemed credible.

I like to think Bigfoot is out there.

It makes life that much more interesting.

The Van was more than scratched.

Whatever did it, peeled up the wheel well roll with it's bottom teeth and punctured the metal with it's fangs.
You can see the scratches on the paint where the teeth moved down the car body until it actually punctured the metal.
When she first discovered it that side of the car was also covered in blood but she didn't take a sample.
It is really remarkable and disturbing at the same time.

She also had dog houses on her front porch for her wild cats to sleep in. All the bedding was strewn down the driveway. The cats were missing and never came back.

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