There are bigfoot pictures in Pennsylvania by auto camera

Thx for clarifying that.
When I hit 50 years of age my memory ran away

Still a frigthening thing to find done to your vehicle.
I believe we have them living in the woods behind our home but recently we've been hearing a little different noise than before. Last night I heard it again and it was closer. I went out to check to see if the heat lamp was on. I can see them from my window and thought the bulb had burned out. Anyway, everything was fine and dandy when I was out there. As soon as I walked in the front door my neighbor was shining his flash light in my window. I went out to find out what was wrong and he had heard the hoo hoo of the ig foot then screaming, then he said my chickens where going nuts like something was after them. So he came to see. I was just out there and nothing was going on. So we shined the light in the coop to make sure all was well and they where all roosting and there where no other critters in there with them. No signs of anything breaking in or trying to. He shined the flashlight out into the woods and he saw eyes. Not ones that glow when a light hits them. I thought I saw what he was seeing. He headed out there because he thought it might be human and they disappeared.

Personally I think we have a bob cat out there. On 2 instances I saw a black figure when I was tending to the chickens in the day time. My eyes are bad and it was far away. It wasn't a tree or foliage because it is't always there. I saw it again today. I went about my business and when I came back out of the coop it was gone. It could have been that bear some people caim they have seen that supposedly we don't have in our area. I don't know but as long as it stays in the woods we will have a good relationship. If it comes in my yard and is a threat, we no longer have a good relationship.
Wow, sounds like you live near a creepy section of forest. I'd look for whatever it was all right - VERY heavily armed! Of course, I'd probably wet myself if it was actually Bigfoot.
Wow, sounds like you live near a creepy section of forest. I'd look for whatever it was all right - VERY heavily armed! Of course, I'd probably wet myself if it was actually Bigfoot.

Wow, sounds like you live near a creepy section of forest. I'd look for whatever it was all right - VERY heavily armed! Of course, I'd probably wet myself if it was actually Bigfoot.


Then Bigfoot would wet himself at the sound of a 7.62 mm round being chambered.
After I recovered, of course, and assuming Bigfoot is friendly and/or stupid. Neither of which is particularly likely.
If it's not being a threat to me, my property, family or livestock. I leave it alone. I'm not gonna go out and shoot at something for no other reaon other than it's different and i'm afraid of it. If it leaves me alone and doesn't threaten anything of mine it is safe. It can walk through my yard if it wants to, just don't harm anything or destroy my property.
I agree with you, but if you ran into Bigfoot - alone - in the middle of the woods, I think you'd be chambering a round, too.

I've been in the woods twice and both times it was going after my birds. I would have to wak into a bigfoot to see one then because i'm looking down. They would run away before I saw them. I'm sure if I saw one while I was out looking for a lost chicken or quail I would have to just leave the bird out there because I would be gone. I hardly ever carry a gun when I go out unless it's at night or I see a stray dog or cat

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