There are bigfoot pictures in Pennsylvania by auto camera

This is my bigfoot....Sorry, guys. Just had to do it!

this show cracks me up.i only watched it once and they were in Helen Ga..ok,of all places for bigfoot to be is Helen Ga.

Saw one episode of it last year. Summary: Deer poop and a dead deer with a broken ankle. Conclusion: Sasquatch is undeniably here.
Those are some real ugly creatures. Suppose these creatures come out of the woods and are legally judged humanoid? What are the legal implications? How would society deal with them? Would not they be entitled to all or the rights and privileges as other US citizens, including equal protection under the law?

That is something to think about.

If it exists at all, it's an animal, like a gorilla. If it were sapient to any degree, surely at least one of them would have tried to make contact with the many sasquatch hunters.

My own opinion is leaning more and more towards "people with hyperactive imaginations."
That's what I'm thinking - there's enough hunters, surely one of them would have seen and shot a sasquatch by now, if they existed.


maybe if someone got the permits to own an MG-42 and went hunting for sasquatches...

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