There are bigfoot pictures in Pennsylvania by auto camera

I don't think the "Fuzzy" pictures are on purpose? most animals give fuzzy pics when taking them at night or in poor light. even the one I posted has some bad blurring around the head and shoulders where it whipped its head around at the flash. I did extensive photo shop work on it to try and bring out a better picture and its just not possible with the quality of image. you can make out the eyes and head shape but its moving. if you look close in the above pics the thing has little or no neck. its head is right down on its shoulders. very odd body shape more like a primate then I have seen in most BF pics
The creature pictured has a rather strange stance. I looked at it and thought "where have I seen that before?" Then it dawned on me that is the walking leaning forward stance of my neighbor that is suffering from Parkinson's disease. Odd.

Wolf Queen, I have heard of a lot of sightings in the Chuska and Lucachukai Mountains farther to the west in Arizona. It seems as if bigfoots are seen on reservations more often than other places. Maybe native people are more apt to speak of sightings. Other folks might be afraid of ridicule.

Thanks, I did not know that. I figured that Native Americans would be the more secretive ones. I havent heard many native Bigfoot stories & encounters. but I have heard that some native groups' old rock paintings contained images that appeared to be Bigfoot like creatures.
Least convincing big foot ever. But then, all I'm seeing at that link is a lady in a white shirt.
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ICallMyselfCherie' :

Least convincing big foot ever. But then, all I'm seeing at that link is a lady in a white shirt.

I got that to so I searched "Bigfoot Pennsylvania" although now were are discussing pics on Yetti's post #302 & 305.

Here are the original pics & ad: Id say bear, but the overall body shape as well as position & length of its limbs weirds me out. I didnt think bears were built like that
. It shape looks humanoid to me...​
Here's another comparison photo. the creature in the pic is what big foot is thought to be ( Giaganta pithicus) . they supposedly died out around the 13,000 years ago when the ice age let off. I know this cause I watch a ton of stuff on them. the freshest remains have been found in China. the teeth of the things are whats been most commonly found. they are huge. if BF is a relative its no wonder they have lasted this long. anything that big in the forest would be hard to spot standing amongst the trees.
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